Tuesday, July 31, 2012

There are not enough hours in the day, seriously.

I've been neglecting cooking and cleaning for what seems like eternity now because I just can't do it all and it's bugging the bejeezus out of me.  I'm putting this enormous pressure on myself to do it ALL and when I'm too exhausted to do anything after 7:30PM, I feel defeated.  Each day starts off great with an hour of playtime with Emily before work but once the workday is coming to an end, I start to make a mental list of all the things that have to be done at home, what to cook for dinner, groceries that need to be bought, cleaning that needs to be done and then I spaz out.  I haven't been cooking or cleaning much this past week because I'm just too tired!!  How do all these busy working moms with more than one child do it?!

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