Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Happy 6 Months Baby!

Emily has quickly outgrown more clothes and is now wearing size 4 diapers!  It's insane how much I miss her during the day.  I've officially reached max capacity with my iphone storage so I'm going to have to do some clean up tonight.  We should really invest in a nice camera but the iphone is just so easy and convenient. 

She's alllllmooost ready to sit up and play for longer periods of time.  I think by this time next month she'll be alot better at it.  Practice makes perfect!

Today I thought I'd wear heels (not even that high) and fully embrace business attire.  I left the house feeling:

All day I felt:

(Google image search "models falling" and it'll make your day a little brighter.  I promise.) 

First time in heels (and going on a sales call) in over a year!...  Back to flats tomorrow.  Practice makes perfect!

I couldn't resist...

1 comment:

  1. hehe i felt the same way the first time i wore heels! and wow! size 4 diapers already!! leah is still in size 2!! i keep trying to feed her more to fatten her up.
