Tuesday, July 31, 2012

There are not enough hours in the day, seriously.

I've been neglecting cooking and cleaning for what seems like eternity now because I just can't do it all and it's bugging the bejeezus out of me.  I'm putting this enormous pressure on myself to do it ALL and when I'm too exhausted to do anything after 7:30PM, I feel defeated.  Each day starts off great with an hour of playtime with Emily before work but once the workday is coming to an end, I start to make a mental list of all the things that have to be done at home, what to cook for dinner, groceries that need to be bought, cleaning that needs to be done and then I spaz out.  I haven't been cooking or cleaning much this past week because I'm just too tired!!  How do all these busy working moms with more than one child do it?!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Sometimes Emily takes longer to finish a bottle because she's so distracted by other things like looking out the window, trying to pull my hair, trying to roll over, trying to sit up or trying to babble and smile instead.  When she gets really distracted the milk starts to dribble all down her chin and bib and I can't help but think of Joey drinking a gallon of milk in ten seconds.

Yes, there's a Friends reference for everything in life :)

Hump Day Randoms

I really appreciated this article today on Babble:

Family life and Marriage

I get really carried away with Google image search sometimes with the most random things:

This whole juggling thing I'm still working on deserves an entry of it's own so I plan to rant & rave after I've been attempting it for awhile.

The BEST thing I came across today:

Because every superhero needs an action figure!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Happy 6 Months Baby!

Emily has quickly outgrown more clothes and is now wearing size 4 diapers!  It's insane how much I miss her during the day.  I've officially reached max capacity with my iphone storage so I'm going to have to do some clean up tonight.  We should really invest in a nice camera but the iphone is just so easy and convenient. 

She's alllllmooost ready to sit up and play for longer periods of time.  I think by this time next month she'll be alot better at it.  Practice makes perfect!

Today I thought I'd wear heels (not even that high) and fully embrace business attire.  I left the house feeling:

All day I felt:

(Google image search "models falling" and it'll make your day a little brighter.  I promise.) 

First time in heels (and going on a sales call) in over a year!...  Back to flats tomorrow.  Practice makes perfect!

I couldn't resist...

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Working Mom Day 3

Oh, what the heck.  I might as well make the best of the situation and dance in the rain right?  Everyone says it'll get easier and I trust that it will.  It's been great catching up with my friends at work and it's nice to sit down and have a meal from start to finish.  It also feels great to wear normal clothes and put makeup on again.  I'm slowly getting caught up with my work but I find myself suddenly missing Emily like crazy during the middle of an email or halfway through a project.  I have to remind myself to snap out of it and pull it together. 

She's happy when I pick her up and gives Miss Varsha the biggest smile when she hears, "See you tomorrow Emily!"  It warms my heart.

The little time I have with her before and after work is so precious to me.  I'm happy Emily and Hubby get father & daughter time too before he drops her off. 

She'll be six months next week, can you believe it?  Crawling is the norm now, she's trying to sit up by herself and enjoys throwing toys.  The fun is just about to start...

Friday, July 13, 2012

Last official day of maternity leave

The day has finally come.  My maternity leave is officially over and I go back to work on Monday.  I was lucky enough to have so much time off to be with Emily but it sure did go by fast!  Today was Emily's third day of daycare and it went ok.  She cried a little yesterday and today I got a call from the assistant director around 2PM to let me know that she had cried for awhile and threw up her bottle she had eaten 30 minutes prior.  If baby throws up more than once they ask you to come pick up your baby just in case she could be getting sick.  I instantly broke down after the call and sobbed again for Emily (cry baby first time mama).  I went to go pick her up shortly after but she was ok when I got there so I decided to come back in a few hours. 

It'll take some time for both Emily and I to be ok and happy with daycare (more for me).  She plays with the other babies well but constantly wants to be held.  My head tells me it'll be fine but my heart still aches.  Everyday they provide a detailed outline of Emily's bottles, naps, diapers and other activities.  I appreciate the detailed communication of her day but I'll probably break down and cry again when I have to read about the first time she sat up by herself or really crawled instead of being there myself and cheering her on. 

I'm trying my best to stay positive and appreciate all the pros of sending Emily to daycare.  She'll develop good social skills, it will ease separation/stranger anxiety, and she'll learn to sleep through noise.

She's getting better and better at belly crawling and can do a full lap around her playmat.  She can turn and belly crawl in the direction she wants, usually to a toy, and then rolls over when she gets tired.  She's interested in the colors of her playmat more than any toy right now and still loves to stare at her boppy pillow.  Out of all the solids she's eaten, banana is her favorite because she yells for more and eagerly waits for the next spoonful.  Bedtime is still 6:30-7:00PM and she wakes up anywhere from 5:45-6:30AM but plays in her crib until 7AM.  I wanted her to get used to playing by herself for a bit and going back to sleep if needed, so I stopped getting her right when she woke up.  This past week she babbled and played in the morning for 30 minutes and was all smiles when I went in at 7AM.  She's doing amazing in her own room and crib.

Practicing sitting up at daycare

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Emily's first day at daycare

I woke up this morning super nervous.  We dropped Emily off around 11AM.  She smiled at her caretaker and didn't cry when we left.  I, on the other hand, lost it when we closed the door.  Walking away from our baby and leaving her there was the hardest thing I've done in a long time.  I cried all the way to the car and in the car as we left.  I cried some more at home, got myself together and spent the next few hours running errands but felt like a walking zombie.  It was nearly impossible to concentrate on grocery shopping and I held back tears when I saw mothers with their babies.  My mind was still at daycare with Emily.

I picked her up at 4PM and the caretaker told me Emily was such a good baby.  She finished her bottle, took a 10 min nap (boo) at noon and an hour and fifteen minute nap around 2PM (yay).  She played with the other babies during tummy time and they all took a stroller ride in the play area.  I know she is going to thrive at daycare and it will help with her social skills but I still get sad thinking about the hours of her baby days I'm going to miss while I'm at work.  They're only this little once.  She's hitting so many new milestones everyday that the thought of missing out breaks my heart.

I'm going to have to try my best to take comfort and trust in this decision that is best for our family right now.

With Miss Varsha before we left

I got so hysterical at one point that our crazy dogs hid in their house...

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Last (Tues)day out with Mommy & Grandma

Emily starts daycare tomorrow (I'm still holding back tears)!  This week is just a practice run so she won't be staying the entire day but I hope it'll be a good chance for her to become familiar with her new caretakers, friends, surroundings and daycare crib.  My mom has been visiting every Tuesday on her day off since Emily was born and today was our last day together.  Man, time flies QUICK!

This week in pictures

Everyone is right.  Babies grow up FAST.  These days, I'm constantly rearranging Emily's room, packing away outgrown clothes, getting new toys and celebrating each new milestone.

Her room went from baby stuff construction zone to an actual baby room so quickly. 

I bought this sleep onsie awhile back thinking, "this is SO big and it's going to be forever until she fits into it."  She wore them to bed today.  That's her, "Please, I don't want to sleep yet" expression. 

I've been on this fresh smoothie, green juice craze lately.  I figure, if I can't work out just yet I might as well eat healthy.  I also want us to be as healthy as we can be since we're parents now.  I'm still on the fence about making all of Emily's food with the amazing food processor my mom got us because I don't want to set too many expecations for myself and drive myself crazy when I'm back at work.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

I can't believe it's July!!!!

I need to freeze time, quick!  Emily enjoyed her first swim last week, Hubby and I made a 36 hour trip to Vegas and Emily is so, so active lately.  I've been getting a bit lazy with taking pictures and blogging because I'm SO tired from trying to keep up with everything lately. 

Emily is now in her own crib in her own room.  It literally seems like yesterday she was a newborn, up every two hours and snuggling in bed with us.  She is belly crawling and constantly wants to move around, is now enjoying fruits and still laughs at the dogs.  She's starting her practice days for daycare on Wednesday (the practice days are mostly for me) and I go back to work soon.  My stomach is in knots and I get a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach every time I think about being away from Emily everyday. 

Emily was great with Grandma during our short, but sweet, trip to Vegas.  I don't know why I'm so in love with Vegas.  I'm not even a hard core gambler or anything.  I guess I just love the spontaneity that only Vegas can bring.  The food, drinks, hotels, people...ahhhh Vegas~ 

I swore I'd never drive to Vegas again but with the timing of our trip we had to.  It was fun though, taking a road trip with Hubby.  This is when the excitement starts to build...

We're here!! I've been here 10+ times and yet I still get happy!!

I miss you already
I saw ALOT of kids, babies and strollers this time around.  They've always been there actually but it catches my eye more often now.  I wouldn't mind taking a family trip when our kids are older.  A nice family friendly suite and fun time by the pool. 

Also recently, a night out with Jess.  Love.