Sunday, June 3, 2012

Oh happy day

Sleeping in.  This doesn't exist when you have a baby.  Gone are the nights of staying up until 3AM watching old movies knowing you can fall into a deep slumber until your brain says, "hey let's get up" around 11AM the next day.  A handful of times Emily has slept until 7:45 or even 8 without stirring first around 5 and I was so grateful to get the extra few minutes of ZZzzzs.  This morning she slept until 9AM people, 9AM!  Well, she did get up around 6AM to eat but as I laid her down next to me, she fell into sweet dreamland again and I was so happy. 

Around 7:30 I cracked one eye open to check if she was still having sweet baby dreams.  Yup, sweet Jeebuz!  Around 8 she was still sleeping so I did a happy dance in my head.  The only problem was I was on the very edge of the bed, on my side and in a very uncomfortable position and she was snuggled up right next to me so any sudden movement and I knew her blissful sleep would crumble like a house of cards.  I started cramping up around 8:30, still scared to move or breathe too heavily.  I was just so happy that she was still sleeping even though I couldn't join in on the deep slumber fun.  Around 8:45 Hubby tossed and turned and I thought, "oh man this is it" but Emily wasn't phased.  SO I attempted to make myself more comfortable but she started to thrash and threatened to wake up so I froze and held my breath.  By now my back was starting to ache from being so stiff and on my side for so long.

At approximately 8:52 my throat started to tickle and I tried to ignore it.  I twisted my free arm around to my nightstand and managed to somehow get my cup of water and took a sip.  At 8:53 I reached around to get my phone to distract myself but it literally died on me because I had used up all the battery watching and re-watching Emily's rice cereal video before I passed out last night.  At 8:54 I couldn't take it anymore and let out a small, restrained *cough* and Emily's eyes literally flew open.  GOOD MORNING MOMMY!!!! 

Hey, at least she slept until 9.  It's going to be a good day.

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