Tuesday, June 5, 2012

I miss you naptime

Naptime is getting harder and harder lately.  Two to three naps a day but they're 30 minutes MAX.  If we're out she'll sometimes sleep 45 minutes but I cannot go to Walmart, Target, Kohls or the Cerritos Mall anymore. 

Poor naps = cranky baby.

I've been trying to sleep train for naptime at home but she seems to have figured out that the longer and harder she cries, I'll eventually pick her up.  When I do, I get a big gummy grin, raspberries and a big fat "YES, you caved again mommy!"  I'm hoping she'll realize how awesome napping is by the time she starts daycare because I don't want her to have a hard time when I'm not there with her (omg tearrrrrrs againnnnn).  She is also starting to show early signs of separation anxiety, especially when she's cranky. 

Little Miss Em is getting more and more active literally by the day.  Clothing and diaper changes become a mommy & baby wrestling match and she tries so hard to scoot around or crawl but her upper body won't cooperate yet which results in a very unpleasant downward dog.  Even when I'm holding her she tries to climb me.  Those chubby thighs aren't just cute, they're strong! 

She's very into her toes right now and would probably suck on them if given the chance.  She's been distracted by them during her last few feedings of rice cereal.  Speaking of rice cereal, she enjoys about five to six spoonfuls before she loses interest.  I think we'll wait a few more weeks to start her on the good stuff.

Favorite new toy: my hair

I'm mad you tried to put me down for a nap

Just kidding!

She scoots until she gets stuck in the corner, screams herself tired and knocks out

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