Sunday, June 24, 2012

5 Months!

Happy 5 Months baby!  You are growing up so fast and I love every second of it.  You give me the biggest smiles when you wake up in a good mood and you are doing something new every single day.  You scream ALOT and are expressing yourself in so many funny ways.  You're trying so hard to crawl that you sometimes get frustrated and cry but don't worry because you'll have us chasing you around in no time.  You love singing and babbling to Daddy and that makes me so happy.  You've clearly expressed that you don't want to sit in your carseat when we're out so now you are in your baby jogger stroller and love it!  Mirae and Minnie make you laugh lately and that warms my heart.  I can't wait to see what new fun things are in store for this month! 

Love, Mommy


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