Friday, June 1, 2012

4 Month Check Up

I got a 24 hour stomach virus and was sick all day yesterday and while I was sick I vowed to eat healthier because my body felt like it was in need of a detox and cleanse.  I feel better today and now I'm craving ramen... UGH! 

Emily's pediatrician said we can start her on solids so I think we will maybe start this weekend when Hubby is home so we can capture her first bites on camera!  My iphone is glued to my hand these days trying to capture all her first ________s.

I just completed Emily's Kindercare daycare enrollment packet and now I have a hand cramp from filling out forms for the past hour.  No joke, my college application process was less intense. 

This peaceful moment lasted all of five minutes before crazy Mirae the Maltese started barking hysterically and woke everyone up!

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