Monday, June 18, 2012

Enough is Enough!

The weight will just gradually fall off while I take care of the baby and barely have time to eat...


When I go back to work next month and Emily starts daycare this is what my schedule will look like:

6:00-6:30AM - Wake up and get ready
6:30-7:00AM - Feed and get Emily ready
7:15AM - Leave for daycare
8:00-5:00PM - Work
5:30-6:00PM - Pick up Emily from daycare
6:30PM-7:30/8:00PM - Feed, bath and bedtime for Emily
8:00PM - 8:30PM - Make Dinner & clean up after dogs gone wild
8:40PM - 9:00PM - Hubby comes home
9:00PM - 9:30PM - Dinner (count me out now)
9:30PM - 10:30PM - Clean, attempt to pack Hubby's lunch and make bottles for daycare the next day
10:30PM - Sleep or work out??

Ok so when am I supposed to get in a good hour or two of exercise??  I'm not crazy enough to want to get up before 6:00AM to work out and going to the gym at 10:30PM is neither appealing nor safe, in my opinion.  I suppose we could tag team and I would go work out as soon as Hubby gets home from work but then when will I ever see/hang out with Hubby M-F?? 

I've been trying to make changes in my diet but that alone isn't going to get the job done.  I still don't feel like myself and honestly, I hate it.  Plus, I just feel blah and unhealthy. 

Do I just throw in the towel now and go shop for some mom jeans??? 

Do I want it bad enough to wake up at 5:00AM for a run or make my way to the gym (with pepper spray) at 11:00PM???

I feel hopeless. 

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