Friday, April 12, 2013

We've been spending a lot of time at the dojang lately and Emily LOVES it.  She can walk around and she loves playing with the older kids and trying to participate in class.  She says hi to all the kids and squeals with laughter when they're training.  We want her to start classes as soon as she seems ready, probably around two and a half years old.

Being out and about and running errands with a walking toddler is new territory for me so I'm still practicing everyday.  She rarely wants to stay in the cart or her stroller so I have to strategically plan errands at places where she can walk around without getting into too much trouble and I can easily scratch a few things off my to-do list without feeling overwhelmed.  I think I might have to get a child backpack restraint but we'll see.

Loves stickers these days

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