Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Tuesdays with Grandma

We spend Tuesdays with Grandma and Emily always has the best time ever.  Her face lights up when Grandma walks through the front door!  Today we ran errands and went to walk around the mall.  I got Emily the child safety harness backpack after a 10 second scare I had last week at the mall.  She's not full on running yet but I don't want to take my chances since her growing curiosity means wandering and hiding.  A lot of people have their opinions about the safety harness, most without children or without a scare, and I have to admit I used to think they were silly and felt a little sheepish today but better a safe child than a lost child and frantic parent. 

Little troublemaker

I love how her creative play is starting to blossom

More ice cream!! Grandma never says no

On sale???

Developing her love for shoes early :)

She got upset that we walked past the cars without taking a ride so we took a picture instead

She thinks it's funny when her shadow waves back at her haha

Not diggin' the restriction...

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