Thursday, April 18, 2013

A great meal idea

Emily isn't big on meat so she doesn't enjoy meatballs, especially the homemade turkey ones I made awhile ago.  My fellow mama friend Jane gave me a great meal idea a few weeks ago and they've been a hit!  Small rice patties/balls!  They're perfect bite size and since Emily LOVES rice she gobbles them up so quickly!  After mixing rice with veggies and a little tuna or meat, shape them into bite size balls, dip in egg and cook them in a little olive oil!

I ran out of eggs this morning so for today's lunch I just cooked some rice with frozen veggies and spam and once it cooled off, I rolled them into little bite size balls.  I rolled some in Japanese rice seasoning since she loves seaweed too.  This is such a quick and easy meal and it's always a hit!  I love the organic frozen veggie medley from Costco.  It comes in so handy for a lot of my dishes.  I put the veggies in a food processor to grind them up a bit so they mix better with the rice.

Emily enjoying her lunch of rice balls, tofu and miso soup:

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