Saturday, March 23, 2013

The weekend is here!

Emily had a great time at Gymboree today and was in a good mood overall minus a meltdown at Target in the late afternoon (sorry for leaving all my items in the cart and leaving Target).  She's been napping twice a day again lately and the second one is still so late, usually around 6:30 but I don't know how to correct it.  Her schedule has been all over the place but day to day timing wise it's been ok for our family so I'm not too stressed. 

Yesterday was our first family trip to Disneyland and we all had a blast.  We are definitely getting our annual passes once Emily gets a little older and is able to enjoy it more. 

I need to stop doing the mom ponytail and do my hair more often.

Not scared of heights on the ferris wheel while my knees were wobbly

So I'm constantly online looking for great toddler meal ideas and get so conflicted with all these articles about all organic, gluten free or paleo foods being the absolute best and necessary for everyone's diet, including children.  Let's be real, it's not always 100% feasible and the costs add up to eat all organic but I still can't help but feel bad when I feed her instant mac and cheese or something and the internet tries to make me feel like crap because I'm feeding my family bad processed and unhealthy foods.  Just last night I was reading an article by a health counselor on a parenting website that said meat these days has so many hormones, antibiotics and other junk and that "whole wheat" has too much gluten and starch.  Great.  I went to bed feeling like I poisoned my family because I didn't get organic grass fed meat or gluten free wheat bread.  I know I have to take everything with a grain of salt but I guess wanting the best for your family, especially your children, is an essential part of motherhood. 

An upside to my late night (too much coffee during the day) internet browsing is the great idea to start making homemade fruit popsicles.  Hubby loves having a popsicle at night after dinner and Emily has been demanding bites so I figured I should start making homemade.  I don't really know how "all natural" these fruit bars are and I'll know what is going in the ones I'll be making.  It's definitely a lot cheaper to make homemade too.  I stocked up on fresh and frozen fruits from Trader Joes today and just have to get popsicle molds and BAM!  A delicious treat!  I found some cute toddler ones online so I'm excited to make my first batch.  I'm sure the cold will help with her teething too (hello molars)!

How cute are these?

Ahh refreshing!

Speaking of fruit....I think I'm going to start making smoothies again.  It's definitely easier to eat healthy when I've planned and stored my meals ahead of time.

Some latest videos

She's always sleeping like this and looks squished.  I wish she'd lay the other way and give herself some room to be comfy!

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