Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Sleep training part two

It was lovely having Emily sleep with us but her sleep schedule is totally off right now and we think it's for the better that she is back in her crib.  45 minutes of screaming and she finally gave in.  It was pretty tough to take and I hope it gets easier each night.  I'm going to work on nap training during the day as well so wish me luck!  Baby has got a serious set of lungs!

I've noticed it's so hard to keep up with taking pictures and videos lately.  Hopefully once Emily is sleeping in her crib again every night, I will have more time to keep up.  I miss her already.

This picture is so unflattering but it cracks me up.  Tired mom in the background and silly baby checking herself out.

Another one that cracks me up.  She's very attached to this fork.

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