Thursday, March 14, 2013

Emily is walking!

I am a happy and proud mama today!  Emily started walking!!  We went out to LA this morning and in the afternoon we were hanging out at home trying to stay cool and BAM!!  I put her down to play and she decided to start walking.  I totally cried because I was so happy for her.  Our baby is growing up so fast!

Getting so big.  She seemed so tiny in there as a newborn.

Using a fork today!

Brunch at Urth Caffe. 
Today was my first time at Urth Caffe in downtown and I'm in love.  Their honey vanilla latte is amazing and I am officially addicted.  I want one like RIGHT NOW.  Their food is pretty good and I love, love a good lox bagel with extra capers.  Nothing beats a really good breakfast/brunch with amazing coffee!

Sleep training is going well for night three.  She still cries and protests when we put her in her crib and she yells but it's getting better and better so we'll stick with it!  Nap training is pretty much the same so hopefully she'll get better at napping alone too. 

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