Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Re-sleep training night 2

Last night went much better than the first night.  Emily cried less and it wasn't a hysterical cry but more of an annoyed cry.  I'm nap training as well and today's first nap is going so well!  She cried for a few minutes and put herself to sleep and is now going on 45 minutes!!  I'm going to try to get her to nap twice a day again and want to fix her sleep schedule.  I think with better sleep we will have less tantrums and better eating.  Teaching Emily to self soothe is a bittersweet feeling for me.  Half of me is happy because she will sleep better and half of me is sad because she won't need me as much.

Now that I have my hands free while she is napping, I can make some turkey/veggie meatballs for Emily!

I found this site the other day and I really love her style.  I really need to get serious about exercising and buy some new clothes.

J's Everyday Fashion

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