Wednesday, March 27, 2013

14 Months

Emily turned 14 months on Sunday and I wasn't able to update the day of like I usually do.  I just took a nice hot shower and have a glass of wine to unwind and I feel human again.  We spent the entire day at home today and I can tell Emily got a little bored.  She's been showing signs of boredom lately when we're home too long and loves going outside lately to practice walking or interact with people.  She's been flirting a lot with strangers lately, giving them big grins and waving at them.  She especially loves other babies and children and will start to shout in their direction to get their attention.  It's super cute.

14 Month updates:
-Babbles A LOT
-Says umma and appa (mom and dad in Korean) and a few other words we haven't quite figured out
-Loves to practice walking and refuses to stay in her stroller or cart, but still holds on to my finger because she's just not quite ready to let go yet
-Breakfast is her most favorite meal of the day.  This week she's been devouring homemade blueberry pancakes
-She continues to prefer broccoli and carrots over chicken nuggets or cheese

It's incredibly fascinating to watch the gears in her head work lately and she still surprises me everyday.

Shopping with Grandma

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