Monday, December 12, 2011

34 Weeks 2 Days

Your baby's the size of a honeydew!
At less than two months to go, she weighs in at about 4.2 pounds to 5.8 pounds and measures about 17.2 to 18.7 inches.
6 more weeks to go!  I'm READY for her to come out now.  I took a week off from work and got a lot of stuff done.  Washed the rest of Emily's clothes, packed my hospital bag, ordered the stroller and we're almost finished with the labor information DVD.  Now all we have to do is install the carseat and set up the pack and play in our room.

We ordered the Baby Jogger City Mini in orange and grey. 

Emily feeling the love from her Aunties!  Yes, I'm at NRB in Ktown at 8 months pregnant.  LOL.  Emily has gone to NRB and heard her Daddy sing many times already!

This is my last two weeks of work before I start my maternity leave 12/26.  I'm super excited to have some downtime before she comes and before our lives change COMPLETELY.  I got a foot massage with Jackie during my week off and it was the BEST $20 I ever spent.  I'm definitely going again before Emily comes.  I'll also probably pamper myself with a mani/pedi one last time. 

I haven't done any Christmas shopping and don't think I will this year.  It's just too overwhelming having to stress about shopping while I feel like a whale.  I'll worry about it next year ;)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jina,

    How are you? You are almost there!!! Just wanted to let you know that I have the Baby Jogger City Mini in orange and grey also and I LOVE IT!!!

    So practical!

    Wish you the best!!! Happy Holidays!

