Monday, December 19, 2011

Last week of work & 35 weeks!

It's finally here: my last week of work.  I've looked forward to this for how long now?  Since I found out I was pregnant!!  It was a long, LONG 9 months for me.  I remember how tough my first trimester was at work; trying to stay awake all day, running to the bathroom to throw up every now and then and feeling like the workdays felt 20+ hours long.  It almost feels surreal that I won't be back for four months after heading out on Friday at 5:00PM.

My belly has dropped and started itching like crazy.  Emily had hiccups all weekend and has been very, very active.  I think my nesting has started as I feel the urge to start cleaning.  It's constantly on my mind and I spent the weekend defrosting the freezer so I can make room in the freezer/fridge.  My hospital bag is packed and 98% of Emily's things are ready.  Now all we have to do is CLEAN and sanitize our house.

I'm constantly reminding myself that the next four months isn't a vacation.  I won't be sleeping in everyday, meeting friends for lunch, shopping, and being lazy.  I will be sleep deprived, caring for a newborn, pushed to my limits and before I know it, back at work wondering where the last four months went!  I'm excited and nervous.

34 days left!  The ticker is all the way to the right now!!

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