Thursday, December 22, 2011

T-30 days?

Today marks exactly 30 days from my due date.  Went to the doctor this morning and she did my first internal exam (ouch)!  The doctor felt Emily's head as it is really low and I'm dilated about a cm.  She said my membranes are really soft so now it's up to Emily on when she wants to make her entrance!

Yesterday was a total scare but I'm glad it was a semi false alarm so I can better prepare myself mentally for the actual go-time.  We're going to put in the car seat this weekend as well as set up the pack and play.

My doctor told us at our appointment today that the nurses at our hospital are on strike.  I hope it doesn't last long and I hope they aren't still on strike when Emily comes. 

My doctor wrote me a note for today and tomorrow so my maternity leave starts NOW!  More updates to come...

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