Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Anxiety attacks

I've been feeling particularly anxious these past few days.  Combined with a lack of good sleep, the anxiety is borderline panic meltdown.  As my due date fast approaches, questions of "how" and "what if" are swirling around in my head, making it impossible to relax at times.  I feel as if my hormones are out of control and I don't know whether to cry or yell.  Maybe I just need another good foot massage.  I need some serious down time and pampering when my maternity leave starts. 

After watching the breastfeeding DVD last night, I'd have to say that my biggest concerns are 1) labor, delivery & postpartum aftermath 2) breastfeeding 3) what the heck do I do with a newborn baby and how will I know if I'm doing it right?  People have babies everyday and all first time moms experience the same anxieties so I'm not alone but I still can't help but wonder if I'm truly ready for all of this!

1 comment:

  1. Don't worry! Encouragement Encouragement! I think once baby comes it will all just click. It's like having a relationship with someone. You don't know how to work it until you are in it and just doing it. Unfortunately babies don't come with manuals (although I have read probably all there is to read about babies and you've watched dvds!) Don't panic. Be confident. You are strong and smart. Remember... women have been giving birth since the beginning of.. humans. LoL. We're built for it! <3
