Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Birth Plan

My birth plan: the anti-plan.  Things in life don't always go as planned.  After much thought and consideration, I'm going to leave it in the hands of the staff.  They are the doctors and nurses for a reason and I trust that they will do whatever is in the best interest of the baby and myself.  The only thing I will ask is that I don't be induced or considered for a c-section unless it is absolutely medically necessary. 

My mom was in labor for a total of 48 hours with me.  By the time it came to pushing, she was so physically exhausted that she passed out and couldn't go on when I was coming out.  I was delivered with the assistance of the handy dandy vacuum.  The DVD we watched covered the topic of forceps and vacuum and both look very unappealing.  I hope my doctor doesn't have to use either for Emily.  My mom also went drug free which explains the amount of pain and suffering she went through.  I will, without a doubt, ask for pain medication and get an epidural. 

I wonder how long my labor will be? 

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