Friday, September 16, 2011


It's been a long week.  I feel like baby had a growth spurt and my belly is getting out of control.  I feel like I swallowed a beach ball.  She's moving a lot more and I can feel her more throughout the day and not just when I'm lying down. 

I've been so lazy and unmotivated at work it's ridiculous.  Coming to work is a chore and each work day feels more like 8 months long than 8 hours.  I can't bring myself to do even the simplest tasks and all I want to do is shut my door and sleep.  I've tried but I'm too chicken that someone will come knocking and find me passed out on my floor or under my desk.  I don't imagine things to get easier the bigger I get.  I even fantasize about quitting or even getting laid off so I can stay home and do nothing! How lazy is that?? I should be thankful I even have a job!

I try my best not to feel so annoyed and bitter at work because I don't want baby to sense the negative energy but it's so hard!  Happy thoughts, happy baby!!  She's moving around like crazy as I type this. 

So now I'm at the halfway point and have to try my best to keep things positive until the day she comes out.  Can't wait!!

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