Friday, September 30, 2011

Goodbye September, Hello October!

Wow September, that was fast!

Feeling good and energetic today.  Feeling good because it's Friday!  Looking forward to prenatal yoga tomorrow.  I won a month of unlimited classes ($100 value) for being the first to comment on their Facebook link/update this morning!! Woot woot!  That's 4 free prenatal yoga classes for October.  MUST NOT be lazy and attend every Saturday. 

Behold the guacamole bacon six dollar burger at Carl's Jr.  Obsessed!!  Must eat for lunch.

Just thought this was funny because I was pretty emotional and hormonal last week.

My Halloween costume pick for this year :) Now I just have to convince Hubby to be bacon...

1 comment:

  1. Good costume pick! You can make an egg shirt or even just paint the belly! My costume is more of a dirty joke. LoL.. but it's a surprise. :)
