Friday, September 23, 2011

Fall is here

Ahh my favorite day of the week.  Friday!  Baby Han is growing bigger by the day and so is my belly.  My back pain has been getting more intense lately so I might have to purchase the maternity support belt soon.  My friend and I are taking a prenatal yoga class next week and I'm super excited.  If we like the first class, we'll sign up for more.  I hope it will help with my back pain and it's always good to get in some form of exercise.

Baby Han (we're going to need to decide on a name soon) is very active lately and I can feel her throughout the day.  She's most active from 5:30PM - 8:30PM when I'm laying down on the couch watching tv.  She moves the most when I'm laying on my back versus on my side.  I wonder if it's because she doesn't like it?  Hubby talks to her every night but I think she falls asleep by the time he gets home from work which is after 9:30PM.  I hope he can feel her soon.

The holidays are right around the corner and I'm ready for the cooler weather and the holiday food of course!!  I'm turning 30 next month (wow) and we have our hospital tours in November.  After we decide on the hospital, we will be taking birth and breast feeding classes.  The baby shower is also in November so December will be spent getting ready with all the last minute details for baby to arrive.  Many things to look foward to.  Time does seem to be moving pretty fast now, but it's still very slow on some days. 

I'm still pretty tired most of the time but thank goodness the morning sickness and headaches are gone.  I anticipate third trimester to be a little more uncomfortable since I'll be gaining more weight as baby continues to grow.

I've been a little weepy (and grumpy) the last few days and this commercial got me all teary eyed last night.  Sappy yes, but very touching. 

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