Friday, September 30, 2011

Goodbye September, Hello October!

Wow September, that was fast!

Feeling good and energetic today.  Feeling good because it's Friday!  Looking forward to prenatal yoga tomorrow.  I won a month of unlimited classes ($100 value) for being the first to comment on their Facebook link/update this morning!! Woot woot!  That's 4 free prenatal yoga classes for October.  MUST NOT be lazy and attend every Saturday. 

Behold the guacamole bacon six dollar burger at Carl's Jr.  Obsessed!!  Must eat for lunch.

Just thought this was funny because I was pretty emotional and hormonal last week.

My Halloween costume pick for this year :) Now I just have to convince Hubby to be bacon...

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


The swelling in my hands have gone down a little bit and I didn't have any pain last night.  My fatigue and headaches seem to be making a comeback.  I'm feeling drained and exhausted by 3PM with slight headaches that come and go.  I can feel baby move frequently throughout the day now which gives me the motivation to stay awake at work. 

I'd write more but I'm too sleepy.  30 more minutes of work...and then I'm going straight home for a nap.

Monday, September 26, 2011

23 Weeks

Body update: The swelling has started.  As of last week, I couldn't wear my engagement ring because it started turning my finger purple.  Last night I woke up at 1AM sobbing in pain because I had shooting pains in my arms and hands.  My hands swelled up and felt like they were on fire with really bad arthritis.  The pain was so bad and wouldn't go away that I took a Tylenol which helped a little bit.  I couldn't help but feel guilty because I don't want to take any medicine during pregnancy.  The only other time I gave in and took Tylenol was during my first trimester when I had a headache so bad I could barely keep my eyes open.  Starting today I can no longer wear my wedding band as well.  My fingers look super swollen to me and my hands still feel stiff this morning.  I notice swelling in my face also.

Seinfeld "Man Hands" episode best describes how my hands look and feel today. =( sad but total LOL
It truly is fascinating all the changes my body is going through.  My body is not my own at the moment.  It belongs to baby.  I can't even begin to describe what has been happening with my boobs!! TMI for this blog.  My belly feels bigger and heavier today (with back pain, of course) and my maternity dresses for work are starting to feel too snug.  Wow.

I'm re-reading, "Belly Laughs" by Jenny McCarthy and it really is hilarious what she went through and I can totally relate. 

4 more months....

Friday, September 23, 2011

Fall is here

Ahh my favorite day of the week.  Friday!  Baby Han is growing bigger by the day and so is my belly.  My back pain has been getting more intense lately so I might have to purchase the maternity support belt soon.  My friend and I are taking a prenatal yoga class next week and I'm super excited.  If we like the first class, we'll sign up for more.  I hope it will help with my back pain and it's always good to get in some form of exercise.

Baby Han (we're going to need to decide on a name soon) is very active lately and I can feel her throughout the day.  She's most active from 5:30PM - 8:30PM when I'm laying down on the couch watching tv.  She moves the most when I'm laying on my back versus on my side.  I wonder if it's because she doesn't like it?  Hubby talks to her every night but I think she falls asleep by the time he gets home from work which is after 9:30PM.  I hope he can feel her soon.

The holidays are right around the corner and I'm ready for the cooler weather and the holiday food of course!!  I'm turning 30 next month (wow) and we have our hospital tours in November.  After we decide on the hospital, we will be taking birth and breast feeding classes.  The baby shower is also in November so December will be spent getting ready with all the last minute details for baby to arrive.  Many things to look foward to.  Time does seem to be moving pretty fast now, but it's still very slow on some days. 

I'm still pretty tired most of the time but thank goodness the morning sickness and headaches are gone.  I anticipate third trimester to be a little more uncomfortable since I'll be gaining more weight as baby continues to grow.

I've been a little weepy (and grumpy) the last few days and this commercial got me all teary eyed last night.  Sappy yes, but very touching. 

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


I feel grumpy and grrrrr today.  Hello Hormones!!!

Friday, September 16, 2011


It's been a long week.  I feel like baby had a growth spurt and my belly is getting out of control.  I feel like I swallowed a beach ball.  She's moving a lot more and I can feel her more throughout the day and not just when I'm lying down. 

I've been so lazy and unmotivated at work it's ridiculous.  Coming to work is a chore and each work day feels more like 8 months long than 8 hours.  I can't bring myself to do even the simplest tasks and all I want to do is shut my door and sleep.  I've tried but I'm too chicken that someone will come knocking and find me passed out on my floor or under my desk.  I don't imagine things to get easier the bigger I get.  I even fantasize about quitting or even getting laid off so I can stay home and do nothing! How lazy is that?? I should be thankful I even have a job!

I try my best not to feel so annoyed and bitter at work because I don't want baby to sense the negative energy but it's so hard!  Happy thoughts, happy baby!!  She's moving around like crazy as I type this. 

So now I'm at the halfway point and have to try my best to keep things positive until the day she comes out.  Can't wait!!

Thursday, September 15, 2011


I think Mirae and Minnie are too young to really sense the baby coming but these pictures sure are cute!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Hello in there?

Minnie fell asleep with her head on my stomach and baby did not like that at all.  She was kicking around until Minnie moved. :)  I wonder if Minnie felt the baby?

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Sweet Tooth

Baby Han is giving me a sweet tooth.  I'm not a sweets person but I just finished 6 chocolate chip cookies (they're mini so it's ok) and had 2 mini twix bars this morning! Yesterday I had hot chocolate in the afternoon and it was delicious.  Ok, maybe it's just chocolate.

Spicy, sour, salty cravings have somewhat disappeared. 

I've given up seafood since I think it's the culprit behind my weird rash/allergic reaction.  It's ok since I'm not craving seafood or sushi like crazy anymore either.

I'm falling asleep at work...

Monday, September 12, 2011


your baby's the size of a banana!
At 10.5 inches and about 12.2 ounces, she's big enough now that you've probably been feeling her movements.

your baby at 21 weeks
  • As her digestive system preps for the outside world, she's manufacturing meconium -- the tarry black substance you'll find in her first dirty diaper (ew)!
  • If it's a girl, she's already got a lifetime's supply of eggs in her womb -- about six million of them!
Baby's movements are becoming more and more noticeable.  It does really feel like gas bubbles and popcorn popping.  I can't wait until Hubby can feel her kick.  My back and hips have been sore lately because of the growing belly.  I'm a back sleeper so having to adjust and sleep on my side has been a little difficult lately but the body pillow does help.

My mom and I were talking yesterday about the first few months after baby is born.  She suggested that we move in to her house for awhile since it will be easier for her to help me out while still going to work.  I'm so grateful she will be cooking all my meals and helping out tremendously with the baby.  I did get a little anxious though because I won't be in the comfort of my own home and we will have to bring our dogs along which will most likely be a little chaotic.

There's so much to think about and plan with a baby coming and I am starting to feel a little overwhelmed.  First time mom jitters!! 

Thursday, September 8, 2011


Pregnant woman = bottomless pit, right?  Wrong!  Exactly when during pregnancy are you able to eat truck driver portions?  I find myself uncomfortably full after small portions.  It's difficult to breathe after a meal and it feels as if my stomach area is stretched to it's maximum capacity.  Yes, it IS stretched to it's maximum capacity at the moment because of the growing baby but that also means my stomach is so squished that it can't handle the portions I'm used to.  I definintely ate bigger portions pre-pregnancy.  I just had a whopper for lunch and it hurts to breathe....

Craving for today: gummy bears

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

September is here!

your baby's the size of a cantaloupe!
Baby weighs about 10.2 ounces and measures about 6.5 inches. She's still got a lot of growing to do though. Can you believe you're halfway done?

your baby at 20 weeks
  • She's got working taste buds.
  • Now, she's gulping down several ounces of amniotic fluid each day -- that's significantly more than before.

O.O A cantaloupe!! Baby Han was moving around alot this past weekend, especially when I was laying on my back.  No strong kicks yet but it felt like flutters and gas bubbles.  I fell asleep on my back last night and woke up this morning with horrible cramps.  I guess Baby Han does not like it when I sleep on my back!  I'm not used to sleeping on my side because my arms go numb.  Going to the doctor on Friday for an ultrasound to confirm the gender.