Friday, September 14, 2012

The weekend is here, TGIF

Emily got part 1 of her flu shot yesterday at her follow up doctor appointment.  She loves ripping up the paper in the exam room! 

The daycare in Cerritos called us this week and said they now have an opening so we decided to move her.  It's closer to our home and my work.  It makes sense but the decision continues to tug at my heartstrings because I really like her daycare now and her teachers.  I'm getting all teary just thinking about it!  I hope Emily's transition isn't too tough on her.  I know babies adapt quickly but again, I'm having a hard time.

Emily started hating bath time this week and I realized she was getting scared by her own shadow.  Poor baby!  She screams, cries and tries to climb out of her tub.  She has also been waking up earlier and earlier lately so we put her in bed with us and she'll sleep for an extra 30 minutes or so.

Two teeth!

I ordered her convertible car seat this week (Amazon starts charging CA residents tax this weekend!) and also got her the leapfrog activity table which has a lot of great reviews.  I hope she loves it since she's trying to stand and climb her toys.

After trying to decide between this Recaro and the Britax Boulevard, I ended up going with Recaro.  I hope she likes it!

1 comment:

  1. i got the recaro too this week from amazon! it's going to be like christmas week next week with all the packages i have coming in.
