Sunday, September 23, 2012

Sunday night already?

This weekend went by too fast.  On Saturday we went to a dohl and Emily had a great time.  She's starting to make it clear that she would like to crawl around instead of being held or put in her walker lately.  I decided to start making her food today and it took longer than I expected.  It's definitely much cheaper than buying jarred food but it took a lot of time.  I think this batch will last about a month or so.

I can't believe Emily is 8 months tomorrow!

Emily loves looking at anything super colorful lately so I made her this alphabet board with stickers and she loves to observe it. 

This is how she watches Pororo from her pack n play now.

Her growing curiosity

Before:  Organic fruit, veggies and meat.

Glad containers.  Returning the overpriced ones I got from Babies R Us.

Minced and blended chicken looks really gross actually.

After:  The containers don't stack which sucks.

Here's the funnier version of Emily trying chicken & apples for the first time.  The texture took a little getting used to.

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