Tuesday, September 18, 2012

New tub and carseat

Emily has teething breath and it's the funniest thing!  I miss her newborn baby breath so much.  I bought an inflatable tub hoping it would help with bath time but it only worked yesterday.  Today, she was unhappy and wanted out.  She almost climbed out and hurt herself so I had to get in the tub and fell into seated position, clothed. 

Her stranger danger is in full force.  She's great at daycare but cries at unfamiliar faces.  Uncle Billy came to visit today and she cried because she hadn't seen him in awhile.  Grandma took her on errands and she cried when Grandma tried to introduce her to friends.  She always searches for me and her Daddy with her eyes when in a new place and just recently started checking in while playing.  She's been crawling a lot lately, army crawling, from room to room and always manages to find the dustiest places to run her fingers through which gives me mini panic attacks. 

Our days are going by faster and faster as she grows up at warp speed.  Just in this month alone she's changed so much!  I'm soaking in every moment. 


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