Friday, September 28, 2012

Teething, sleep regression and separation anxiety oh my!

Emily is going through so much in the past few days.  It's hard growing up!!  She spent the day with Daddy today and was a great, happy baby but once nighttime came, she got fussy when it was bedtime.  She's starting to cry more after bath when we're putting on pjs and she's been having trouble falling asleep.  Now that she's figured out how to stand in her crib, she'll stand and cry and cry until we go get her.  She's very determined to stand and attempt cruising every chance she gets and army crawls faster and faster.  She real crawls for a few seconds before resorting to the army crawl.

I think she's going through an 8 month sleep regression and she always cries when she thinks we're leaving.  I've noticed she is using her index finger a lot now in pointing motions and it's cool to watch her processing things in her mind while she delicately plays with some of her toys.

Tonight, she refused her last bottle and threw a baby tantrum until she was comfortable knowing she could lay down in my lap and feed herself.  Growing up too fast! =*(

Ice chunks in a baby feeder.  Not so successful.  She threw it at the dogs.

Insists on feeding herself while playing with the bottle every few minutes.  Trying to stay up as long as possible....

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