Sunday, September 30, 2012

Happy Chuseok

Chuseok is the Korean Thanksgiving.  We had dinner at my Aunt's house today and Emily had a BLAST!  Crawling, standing and all the attention from the elders. 

Listening to Grandpa play guitar



Indoor playground

Yesterday I took Emily to Little Prince Cafe in Buena Park and she had a great time!  A change of scenery for a couple of hours really helped and she was in a great mood.  She got to see Auntie Jess and Justin and Ryan oppas!

I will probably save our next trip for a weekday morning if possible because there were a lot of big kids running around and Emily wasn't able to climb or crawl freely.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Teething, sleep regression and separation anxiety oh my!

Emily is going through so much in the past few days.  It's hard growing up!!  She spent the day with Daddy today and was a great, happy baby but once nighttime came, she got fussy when it was bedtime.  She's starting to cry more after bath when we're putting on pjs and she's been having trouble falling asleep.  Now that she's figured out how to stand in her crib, she'll stand and cry and cry until we go get her.  She's very determined to stand and attempt cruising every chance she gets and army crawls faster and faster.  She real crawls for a few seconds before resorting to the army crawl.

I think she's going through an 8 month sleep regression and she always cries when she thinks we're leaving.  I've noticed she is using her index finger a lot now in pointing motions and it's cool to watch her processing things in her mind while she delicately plays with some of her toys.

Tonight, she refused her last bottle and threw a baby tantrum until she was comfortable knowing she could lay down in my lap and feed herself.  Growing up too fast! =*(

Ice chunks in a baby feeder.  Not so successful.  She threw it at the dogs.

Insists on feeding herself while playing with the bottle every few minutes.  Trying to stay up as long as possible....


I don't have much time to veg out and keep up with the Kardashians for hours on end lately but I have fallen in love with the following commercials.  Meat and pickles were TOTALLY my thing during pregnancy

And because this made me LAUGH OUT LOUD thinking about dieting and trying to lose weight

Thursday, September 27, 2012

The teething drama continues...

Day 2 of staying home with my teething baby.  Her good mood comes and goes and she's been throwing up a lot, poor thing.  Naps have been slightly longer than usual and she's still being very clingy.  I've been trying to keep her distracted since she started losing interest in her toys so today I took her to an indoor playground for a bit.  We were there for about 15 minutes.  At least it was free!

Mommy is sad because you're in pain baby.

Playing with avocado

I wish all my teeth would just come in already

Afternoon nap while Mommy blogs

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Teething sucks!

Teething wasn't so bad with the bottom two teeth.  I thought it would be smooth sailing here on out but I was wrong!  The top teeth are being bothersome.  One has broken gum and is out and the other is almost there.  Emily has been fussy lately, losing interest in solids and wants a lot of TLC from us.  No problem, baby!  Mommy will hold you all day and all night if it makes you feel better.  She had a fever today and looked so exhausted and cranky when I came home from work.  It made me feel so sad and so guilty.  Today was Emily and Grandma day and my mom said poor baby was not in a good mood.  She didn't even show interest in her activity table or crawling up and down the hallway.  She throws her head back in protest if I go anywhere near her mouth but will allow me to brush her teeth with the fingerbrush.  I think she likes the taste of the baby toothpaste.  Luckily, she isn't refusing her bottles either.  I tried to give her a cold washcloth to munch on but she threw it on the floor.  Poor Minnie didn't see it coming.  I gave her Tylenol and it made her feel a little better during bath time which she actually enjoyed.  I've been adding Mustela bubble bath to the water and she laughs while splashing them and getting a rise out of me.

Molars, please be kind!

As I'm blogging, she's mumbling in her sleep so I think she might wake up earlier than usual or even wake up in the middle of the night. 

Ouch my teeth hurt Mommy

Grandma trying to make Emily feel better
I got some new stuff for Emily and I hope she will feel better soon to enjoy them.  I love bargain shopping and good finds.

How cute is this cupcake backpack?!?!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Sunday night already?

This weekend went by too fast.  On Saturday we went to a dohl and Emily had a great time.  She's starting to make it clear that she would like to crawl around instead of being held or put in her walker lately.  I decided to start making her food today and it took longer than I expected.  It's definitely much cheaper than buying jarred food but it took a lot of time.  I think this batch will last about a month or so.

I can't believe Emily is 8 months tomorrow!

Emily loves looking at anything super colorful lately so I made her this alphabet board with stickers and she loves to observe it. 

This is how she watches Pororo from her pack n play now.

Her growing curiosity

Before:  Organic fruit, veggies and meat.

Glad containers.  Returning the overpriced ones I got from Babies R Us.

Minced and blended chicken looks really gross actually.

After:  The containers don't stack which sucks.

Here's the funnier version of Emily trying chicken & apples for the first time.  The texture took a little getting used to.