Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Baby Gear

This past weekend we installed the carseat, set up the pack and play and started a little more of the organization.

Looks like a war zone!

Now that I'm on maternity leave, I'll be organizing more and trying to clean up the warzone.  We're thinking of hiring a cleaning service to clean the house spotless before Emily comes so that I can be stress-free about the current mess.  

Thursday, December 22, 2011

T-30 days?

Today marks exactly 30 days from my due date.  Went to the doctor this morning and she did my first internal exam (ouch)!  The doctor felt Emily's head as it is really low and I'm dilated about a cm.  She said my membranes are really soft so now it's up to Emily on when she wants to make her entrance!

Yesterday was a total scare but I'm glad it was a semi false alarm so I can better prepare myself mentally for the actual go-time.  We're going to put in the car seat this weekend as well as set up the pack and play.

My doctor told us at our appointment today that the nurses at our hospital are on strike.  I hope it doesn't last long and I hope they aren't still on strike when Emily comes. 

My doctor wrote me a note for today and tomorrow so my maternity leave starts NOW!  More updates to come...

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

BH Contractions

Braxton Hicks Contractions: some really hurt...like right now!  Ouch. 

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Birth Plan

My birth plan: the anti-plan.  Things in life don't always go as planned.  After much thought and consideration, I'm going to leave it in the hands of the staff.  They are the doctors and nurses for a reason and I trust that they will do whatever is in the best interest of the baby and myself.  The only thing I will ask is that I don't be induced or considered for a c-section unless it is absolutely medically necessary. 

My mom was in labor for a total of 48 hours with me.  By the time it came to pushing, she was so physically exhausted that she passed out and couldn't go on when I was coming out.  I was delivered with the assistance of the handy dandy vacuum.  The DVD we watched covered the topic of forceps and vacuum and both look very unappealing.  I hope my doctor doesn't have to use either for Emily.  My mom also went drug free which explains the amount of pain and suffering she went through.  I will, without a doubt, ask for pain medication and get an epidural. 

I wonder how long my labor will be? 

Monday, December 19, 2011

Last week of work & 35 weeks!

It's finally here: my last week of work.  I've looked forward to this for how long now?  Since I found out I was pregnant!!  It was a long, LONG 9 months for me.  I remember how tough my first trimester was at work; trying to stay awake all day, running to the bathroom to throw up every now and then and feeling like the workdays felt 20+ hours long.  It almost feels surreal that I won't be back for four months after heading out on Friday at 5:00PM.

My belly has dropped and started itching like crazy.  Emily had hiccups all weekend and has been very, very active.  I think my nesting has started as I feel the urge to start cleaning.  It's constantly on my mind and I spent the weekend defrosting the freezer so I can make room in the freezer/fridge.  My hospital bag is packed and 98% of Emily's things are ready.  Now all we have to do is CLEAN and sanitize our house.

I'm constantly reminding myself that the next four months isn't a vacation.  I won't be sleeping in everyday, meeting friends for lunch, shopping, and being lazy.  I will be sleep deprived, caring for a newborn, pushed to my limits and before I know it, back at work wondering where the last four months went!  I'm excited and nervous.

34 days left!  The ticker is all the way to the right now!!

Friday, December 16, 2011

34 Weeks 6 Days

We finished all the DVDs last night.  Finally!!  I had my doctor appointment this morning and starting next week the appointments will be weekly until Emily comes out.  My doctor will do an internal exam at 37 weeks to check the position of the baby. 

One more week of work and I'm DONE!  I'm so glad I got the maternity leave situation all figured out so that I'm not working until I go into labor.  That would've been misery!!

My belly button popped out!  So weird and funny. 

Belly at 30 weeks and 34 weeks.

Thursday, December 15, 2011


I officially feel like the Michelin Man.  I noticed last night how swollen my feet and ankles are.  No wonder my feet ache by mid day.  It feels as if I'm walking on rocks.  Hooray for cankles (not really)!!  It's been a few weeks since I stopped wearing my wedding band which is a little bigger than my engagement ring.  It hurts to make a fist because my hands are swollen too and I constantly look like I woke up from a ramen induced coma. 

I fantasize about a good foot massage all day long now. 

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Things to look forward to

A ridiculous amount of all you can eat sushi


Romantic date nights with Hubby




But most importantly....bonding with Emily!! 

Anxiety attacks

I've been feeling particularly anxious these past few days.  Combined with a lack of good sleep, the anxiety is borderline panic meltdown.  As my due date fast approaches, questions of "how" and "what if" are swirling around in my head, making it impossible to relax at times.  I feel as if my hormones are out of control and I don't know whether to cry or yell.  Maybe I just need another good foot massage.  I need some serious down time and pampering when my maternity leave starts. 

After watching the breastfeeding DVD last night, I'd have to say that my biggest concerns are 1) labor, delivery & postpartum aftermath 2) breastfeeding 3) what the heck do I do with a newborn baby and how will I know if I'm doing it right?  People have babies everyday and all first time moms experience the same anxieties so I'm not alone but I still can't help but wonder if I'm truly ready for all of this!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

40 days left

I'm cranky and EXHAUSTED today.  It's going to be a long two weeks. 

Monday, December 12, 2011

34 Weeks 2 Days

Your baby's the size of a honeydew!
At less than two months to go, she weighs in at about 4.2 pounds to 5.8 pounds and measures about 17.2 to 18.7 inches.
6 more weeks to go!  I'm READY for her to come out now.  I took a week off from work and got a lot of stuff done.  Washed the rest of Emily's clothes, packed my hospital bag, ordered the stroller and we're almost finished with the labor information DVD.  Now all we have to do is install the carseat and set up the pack and play in our room.

We ordered the Baby Jogger City Mini in orange and grey. 

Emily feeling the love from her Aunties!  Yes, I'm at NRB in Ktown at 8 months pregnant.  LOL.  Emily has gone to NRB and heard her Daddy sing many times already!

This is my last two weeks of work before I start my maternity leave 12/26.  I'm super excited to have some downtime before she comes and before our lives change COMPLETELY.  I got a foot massage with Jackie during my week off and it was the BEST $20 I ever spent.  I'm definitely going again before Emily comes.  I'll also probably pamper myself with a mani/pedi one last time. 

I haven't done any Christmas shopping and don't think I will this year.  It's just too overwhelming having to stress about shopping while I feel like a whale.  I'll worry about it next year ;)