Thursday, August 18, 2011


I woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning and I can't shake this feeling.  I'm moody and irritable and wish it was Friday.  I feel like I'm on the verge of tears and everything is just frustrating me!! Trying to think happy thoughts for baby though.  I should seriously look into prenatal yoga or meditation.

Update edit.  We had a huddle at work and my boss let us all know that her husband might have bone cancer.  As she explained the situation in tears, I felt incredibly sad for her and her family and foolish for feeling so moody today just because I wanted to call in sick for having a "bad day."  My boss is sincere, caring, hard working and prays alot for everyone.  She dedicates herself to work 150% even after everyone has gone home and always makes time to answer your questions even when she is up to her ears with projects.  It really saddens me when bad things happen to good people.  Her and her family are good people.  I really hope everything works out for them and it isn't bone cancer. 

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear this. Hope you feel better! Will keep your boss in my thoughts.
