Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Boy or Girl?

Tomorrow is the big day.  We find out if Baby Han is team blue or team pink.  I've waited anxiously for what feels like years.  Friends and family have predicted both based on how I'm carrying and what I've been craving.  As of now, it really is 50/50.  They say mothers have a gut instinct and I did think it was a girl at one point, but this morning I was looking at our ultrasound pictures on the fridge and couldn't help but notice what appears to be a very obvious "boy part."  Either way, I will be extremely happy and all I can ask for is a healthy and happy baby.

It will be really funny if Baby Han decides he/she wants to keep us in suspense and hides the goods during tomorrow's appointment...

OH and yesterday I felt baby move for the first time.  It was one distinct little "pop" right beneath my belly button.  :)

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