Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Hello October!

Ahhh my favorite month.  Why?  Halloween and the beginning of the holidays.  Oh, and my birthday.  Now only if this weather would cool down.  Seriously.

Lately, Emily has been having a hard time going to bed.  She used to be so good and now she's throwing tantrums and screaming when put in her crib.  She looks like this x 5:

Poor Baby :(

I've been staying in her room until she falls asleep because she calms down and falls asleep if she knows I'm there.  Since she is sensitive and a light sleeper, I end up leaving the room like this:

Now only if I looked this hot doing it...
Emily is getting better at clapping, doing jam jam (open & closing fists), pointing and cruising along the edges of her crib. 

A gift from Jason's cousin.  Emily loves looking at the different colors and touching the different textures

Bath time is fun again with bubbles!

Hates water in her eyes
I'm so excited for Emily's first Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas. 

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