Saturday, October 20, 2012

Daddy's girl

I'm starting to notice that it's getting easier and easier the more independent Emily is becoming.  Yes, her increasing mobility does cause me to panic more but she's also able to entertain herself for longer periods of time and doesn't demand the constant attention she did a few months prior.  Her schedule is so much more predictable now and I've started to relax a lot more about being a parent.  I feel like we've found a good rhythm in our lives.  But, with a baby, things quickly change so let's not get too comfortable, ha!

Emily is 1000% Daddy's girl right now and I must admit, it made me sad but I'm happy she's crazy about him.  She's been having separation anxiety from him lately and cries when he drops her off at daycare.  She is now the second oldest in the infant room at daycare and she'll be transitioning to the toddler room in about three to four months. 

She's starting to show more interest in table foods and sippy cups.  I'm way more excited about cooking her table food than making purees, that's for sure.

I can't believe she'll be 9 months next week!

She loves playing with water bottles so I added some fun duct tape and beads for some noise.

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