Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!

Emily's first Halloween!  I have a new found respect for baby photographers.  

Monday, October 29, 2012

Daddy's Princess


A father is someone that
holds your hand at the fair
makes sure you do what your mother says
holds back your hair when you are sick
brushes that hair when it is tangled because mother is too busy
lets you eat ice cream for breakfast
but only when mother is away
he walks you down the aisle
and tells you everything is gonna be Ok!
- Anonymous

Daddy's other princesses.  "We will be good doggies, we promise!"

Another hot weekend

High temperatures in the west, a crazy storm in the east.  Mother Nature isn't in a very good mood, it seems.  We had our Han Brothers TKD Halloween party on Friday and Emily had a blast.  It was fun to see all of the kids dressed up.  Today we took Emily to her first pumpkin patch and it was so hot and crowded that she wasn't in a good mood for pictures in her costume.  All in all, it was a good weekend.

The Han Bakery and our little creation!  Auntie Jackie's GREAT idea!

Emily and her friend Zoe


Auntie Jackie takes the best pictures

She loves Daddy SOOOO much!

Tired after a long day

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Happy 9 Months Baby!!

My head starts spinning when I realize that in only three short months, our baby will be ONE!  I feel like I should be spending my hour of free time in the evenings gluing beans to a paper towel roll and making elaborate go-im towers for her dohl but I'm just too tired.  I honestly thought my inner Martha Stewart would go nuts and celebrate motherhood with ridiculous, over the top arts & crafts but I quickly realized that there just aren't enough hours in the day sometimes.  I should really get started on her party planning though before I find myself frantically running up and down the aisles of the 24 hour Walmart looking for the right shade of pink balloons the night before her dohl.

So what has Emily been up to this week?  She only takes one nap at daycare now and falls asleep on our way home.  I usually end up sitting in the car outside our house for at least 30 minutes waiting for her to wake up.  I've attempted to carry her in but she's a sensitive sleeper and will wake up and stay cranky.  I'm very protective of her sleep since she catnaps.  I can't complain though because she sleeps through the night.  Now would be a good time to get myself a great book to pass the time.  She babbles a lot more and in addition to, "dada" and "mama" she now makes the, "ta" sound and some other syllables that sound more accidental than anything.

She points, claps and winks on cue (if she's in a good mood) which has been super fun for us.  She's showing a huge interest in table food but still enjoys her purees just as much.  She's pretty good at feeding herself if she's interested in trying the food on her tray.  If I give her anything that is fun to mush in her hands like banana or avocado, it ends up all over her head.  She also likes to have food in both hands at all times and gets irritated if I try to take it away.  So far she's tried noodles, pasta, cheese, fish, banana, avocado, rice, seaweed, a french fry, potato salad, puffs and yogurt melts.  Oh, and she loves mum mums!

Her bedtime went from 7:30 to 10 and she no longer self soothes.  She screams and screams for Daddy and we will probably have to sleep train all over again.  We were hoping she'd sleep in a little since she's going to bed later but, nope! 

We'll be in Denver for our first official family trip in about a month and I'm so excited!!  Her grandparents miss her so, so much.

Painting at daycare!

"But I want to play in the water some more Mommy!"