Monday, January 30, 2012

First Week

I'm slowly recovering day by day.  Being a new mom is exhausting.  I have good hours and bad hours.  I get happy, then sad, then happy again.  There's so much change happening all at once.  I have to remember to take it day by day.  The advice I get the most from moms is to sleep when the baby sleeps.  It's hard to sleep during the day and I haven't been able to fall into deep sleep because I'm still uncomfortable with the idea that I won't hear Emily cry when she needs us.  Hubby is amazing and has taken his role as daddy head on.  My mom has been helping out a lot and I'm eating miyuk gook non stop.

Emily pretty much sleeps and eats all day long.  She isn't too fussy but as a new parent, I can't help but break a sweat and go into panic mode when I don't know what is bothering her.  She already had her first pediatrician visit and everything is great.  She is in the 75% for height and 80% for weight.  Since my milk didn't come in while at the hospital, she was very hungry and lost a pound which made her a little jaundiced.  We supplemented with formula and now she is perfect. 

Mirae and Minnie are very curious about Emily and cry when we are in our room with her.  We are going to wait until Emily gets older to see how they react.  I'm very hormonal so I tear up just thinking about how sad Mirae and Minnie might feel at times when they feel we aren't giving them attention (I tear up about EVERYTHING these days because I'm so hormonal).  I'm sure they'll all get along great when Emily is older.

My loves

1 comment:

  1. I feel the same about my dogs! They'll understand though. They'll have a new buddy to play with when our girls are a little bigger. Just make hubby pet them and give them treats. And the mood swings! Oi! I cried because Sungwon bought me skittles.. and another time when I was just thinking about baby while she slept. I wish you a well recovery! You seem to be doing pretty good :) If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm going through the same exact things! <3
