Monday, December 31, 2012

Goodbye 2012, Hello 2013!

I always get a little sad at the end of each year because I hate goodbyes.  This past year has been amazing with the birth of our beautiful daughter and as first time parents, very fun and humbling.  We had our ups and downs but we made it!  My heart and prayers are still with the ones that have lost their angels and I will continue to pray for them.  I'm looking forward to 2013 and am so thankful for all of our blessings.

Emily is ready to party for NYE!

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Laughter is good for the soul

I find myself taking less pictures and videos of Emily lately because 1) she no longer stays still long enough to get good pictures and 2) she is so darn fun lately that I'd rather just be in the moment and soak up every second of it instead of trying to be baby paparazzi 24/7.  I did capture a couple cute moments though this weekend.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Emily's first Christmas

Emily had a great first Christmas.  We hung out at home in the morning and then went to my parents house in the afternoon to have dinner with family.  She was showered with lots of love and gifts and really enjoyed all the attention.  She had so much fun crawling, cruising and exploring Grandma and Grandpa's house.  This year Emily asked Santa for love, toys, peace on Earth and more hair ;)  I'm looking forward to the years ahead when Emily will believe in Santa and we can start annual Christmas traditions.  I've got to get in the habit of being in the picture and taking more family photos on days like this instead of constantly being behind the camera.  I hope everyone's day was filled with warmth, love and laughter.  Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Eve and Emily is 11 Months

Wow, 11 months already?  This time last year I was very pregnant and we were so anxious to meet our baby girl in the weeks to follow.  It seems like just yesterday.  I noticed the other day that Emily now has six teeth!  Two more on top have made their way out and pretty soon, she'll have a full set of chompers!  She is still very cautious when cruising and it doesn't seem like she'll walk anytime soon.  I predict she will take her first steps after her first birthday. 

A couple of family shots for her first birthday photo session.  Lots more to come soon.

The days are never dull with an 11 month old

The best Christmas card I ever got

Daddy's future black belt

She looks like such a big kid here....sigh


As we celebrate the Holidays with family and friends, my heart has been heavy after recent tragic events that have occurred this year.  I've been at a loss of words when thinking about the unimaginable heartbreak the families of all the victims have had to endure.  How do you go on? How do you make sense of any of this?  How...?  Why...?  All I can do is hope and pray for them.  I pray that with time, they begin to heal and will one day be with their angels again. 

Monday, December 10, 2012


Bubble Master.  She does this often when bored.

We took our family photo/Emily's one year photos yesterday.  She did really well and I can't wait to see them!!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Christmas is almost here

The days seem to be going by too fast lately.  Hubby and I are pretty tired lately and a weekend away or even a really great date night sound heavenly.  We're having Emily's one year photo shoot this Sunday and I hope she's in a good mood so that we get some great pictures.  I still have some gifts to get and order our Christmas cards.  Busy, busy!

First guitar lesson with Grandpa

Emily's Korean hanbok she'll be wearing as one of her outfits for photo shoot and dohl

I tried so hard to get a cute picture for our Christmas card

Stunner shades!!

She likes to put her feet up against the cool wall or have them dangle out when she falls asleep

This video cracks me up.  She was really into her rice and soup today and demanded I keep it coming!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Thanksgiving in Denver & Emily is 10 Months old

We spent Denver in Thanksgiving Thanksgiving in Denver (thanks Hubby.  Mommy brain!) this year with Emily's grandparents and friends.  It was her first flight ever and she did great.  She cried for a bit on the way there but on the way back she played peekaboo with passengers before falling asleep without a peep!

It wasn't as cold as I thought it was going to be and I definitely overpacked.  It was great to see friends and spend time with family.  I'm so thankful for many things this year and always.  My wonderful, amazing, and supportive husband, our beautiful, healthy baby, loving family and friends, two crazy dogs and each new day.

At 10 months, Emily is more and more like a toddler and less like a baby.  She does something to make me laugh everyday and I'm enjoying every minute of it!