Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Eve and Emily is 11 Months

Wow, 11 months already?  This time last year I was very pregnant and we were so anxious to meet our baby girl in the weeks to follow.  It seems like just yesterday.  I noticed the other day that Emily now has six teeth!  Two more on top have made their way out and pretty soon, she'll have a full set of chompers!  She is still very cautious when cruising and it doesn't seem like she'll walk anytime soon.  I predict she will take her first steps after her first birthday. 

A couple of family shots for her first birthday photo session.  Lots more to come soon.

The days are never dull with an 11 month old

The best Christmas card I ever got

Daddy's future black belt

She looks like such a big kid here....sigh

1 comment:

  1. happy 11 months emily! and you look gorgeous in your photos!
