Wednesday, November 30, 2011

32 weeks 4 days

Your baby's the size of a squash!
Still growing, your baby weighs in at about 2.5 to 3.8 pounds and measures about 15.2 to 16.7 inches.

your baby at 32 weeks
  • She's getting ready for her descent -- she's likely in the head-down position now.
  • And she's probably feeling a even more cramped.

pregnancy symptoms at 32 weeks
I had my biweekly doctor appointment this morning.  Emily is going to have a growth spurt in these last few weeks since she only weighs about 2.5-3.8 pounds right now.  HOLY MOLY.  I can't imagine getting any bigger than this...seriously.  I'm pretty uncomfortable now with the tossing and turning at night, shortness of breath, waddling, swollen/aching feet and the ever so pleasant lightning crotch.  I swear I thought I was going to give birth while doing dishes last night when Emily decided to headbutt my cervix over and over as if she wanted to come out already.  My maternity work pants with the stretchy belly panel are too tight today so it looks like I'll be back to wearing dresses again which I don't mind since I'm constantly having hot flashes anyway.  I'm also having second thoughts about trying to work until a week before my due date.  I guess I'll know how I feel when I get there!

They say your first child ususally comes late.  I wonder if Emily has inherited the infamous OH impatient gene and will make her entrance into the world early or if she'll hang out in my belly for as long as she can and come late.  8 more weeks to go!! The finish line is up ahead.  It's still blurry but I can see it!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Thanksgiving weekend

I have a lot to be thankful for this year: family, friends and life!  Everyday should be thanksgiving. 
Our thanksgiving feast with friends at the Kongs.  Everything was so delicious. 

Just purchased Emily's newborn carseat: Chicco Keyfit 30.  It got great reviews and looks very safe.  I decided on a neutral color because the explosion of girly pink is getting out of control.  Plus, our second could be a boy, in which case I would feel bad for making him sit in a girly pink carseat.  Emily's pack and play is a neutral blue color as well.

I also went to the library this weekend and picked up these informational dvds.  Since we decided not to go to any classes, these will do.  Watched due dads last night and even though hubby looked bored out of his mind, it was still very informative.  

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

31 Weeks 3 Days

61 days left.  I'm feeling bigger and bigger everyday.  It's getting harder to get up from seated positions and my belly is getting in the way when washing up or doing dishes.  I'm constantly out of breath from the simplest of tasks and my feet ache terribly.  I'm in dire need of a good foot massage!  I've been waking up in the middle of the night, every night, to pee and remember my very vivid dreams.  The constant disruption of valuable REM sleep does make me a little groggy throughout the day but I'll survive. 

Nesting hasn't fully kicked in yet but I am trying to cross things off my to-do list.  I still get overwhelmed when browsing the aisles of Babies R Us because as a first time mom I just don't know what works and what doesn't yet.  I have control freak tendencies so it drives me nuts that I'm navigating the unknown and unfamiliar.  I pray for the day trips to Babies R Us are less anxiety-ridden and more enjoyable.

I'm very much looking forward to Thanksgiving this week and a long weekend.

Still on my banana craze.  I'm dying for a banana milkshake but an actual banana will have to do for now. ;)

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Banana Mania

I've been on a real banana binge lately.  Funny thing is, I haven't had any actual's been all about Ben & Jerry's chunky munky, Korean banana milk, and I just made a run to Juice it Up for a banana rama smoothie.  The craving was too intense (borderline violent) to ignore.  It's my first time trying this smoothie and I'm in love right now.  I usually get anything with strawberry and ask for no banana.  Why the sudden craving? 



Monday, November 14, 2011

Baby Shower November 5, 2011

My wonderful friends Jackie, Jess and Steph organized, designed and hosted my baby shower.  I heart them. 

Amazing cake made by Susan

Me & Jess <3

Me & Mom

Missing Dad

Funniest game ever

I look SO pregnant

Party planners

Time to eat cake!!

30 Weeks 2 Days

EEK!  30 weeks!  10 more weeks to go. 

Emily is more and more active throughout the day.  I could spend hours watching my stomach move around and I'm in awe each time.  I'm getting more and more tired, am constantly out of breath and my feet are really starting to ache.  I washed all of Emily's clothes yesterday and tried to organize her room a little more.  We still need a few things before she arrives and it's making me anxious and nervous at the same time.  I can't wait to meet her.  I'm mostly anxious about labor and delivery because I have no idea what to expect since this is my first time.  Emily, please don't hurt mommy. 

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


I've really been loving bacon during this pregnancy.  My ususal breakfast at work lately is a bacon breakfast sandwich with a decaff coffee.  Today, I asked for an extra slice or two.  The chefs at work know how obsessed I am with bacon and they hooked me up with this:

LOL!!  Bacon overload! Love it!!!

Friday, November 4, 2011


Baby Han loves to be sneaky.  She'll kick and punch up a storm but as soon as hubby or anyone puts their hand on my belly, she stops and likes to stay still.  Maybe she is shy like mommy but I hope she is an outgoing chatterbox like her daddy. 

I've been trying to capture video of my belly moving when she's twisting and turning but she seems to know and only moves when I give up or look away. 

I get the feeling that she has dropped or is head down now because I feel pelvic pressure and it's especially intense the first few seconds when I get up from sitting.  It feels very tight and heavy inside my lower belly and I feel this intense urge to pee even though my bladder is empty.  I'm pretty sure this feeling is somewhat normal at this stage of pregnancy but I'll wait and see what my doctor says next week.

I cleared up my questions regarding my maternity leave with the new temp HR at work.  PDL (Pregnancy disability leave) and FMLA run concurrent which means my FMLA will start on Dec 26th which was the day I was planning to start my leave.  Dec 26th marks the beginning of my 36th week and I wanted my doctor to start my "disability" then.  I had originally thought PDL and FMLA do not run concurrent so I was going to take advantage of disability until my FMLA started.  I definitely want more time after the baby comes so I will try to stay at work until my water breaks....(oh my).  In addition to 12 weeks of FMLA leave, I'm also entitled to an additional 12 weeks of CFRA (California Family Rights Act) for mommy and baby bonding time.  I plan to take full advantage of this also and if all goes according to plan, I will be out for a total of 24 weeks. 

Did you know New Zealand moms get an entire year of maternity leave??

Thursday, November 3, 2011


My friend Elisa has Amazon Prime so she got free shipping and no tax.  I hope hubby is ready to give me my lower back massage!  :)

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Must Have

I'm on a mission to find this Homedics hand held mini massager.  Why is it that I used to see this everywhere and now that I actually need it, I can't find it anywhere?!  I think it'll be be great for hubby to use for my lower back.  It costs $4.99 and I don't want to pay more than that in shipping to purchase online.  Must find it!!