Thursday, February 7, 2013

One year check up

Emily was not happy with her shots but she was fine after her afternoon nap.  Now that she's recovered from her cold, the 30 minute naps are back.  30 short minutes and she's ready to rock again = tired mommy.  That gives me barely enough time to cook her meals and clean up.  Once we're all settled in at the new house I'll do more batch cooking on Sundays so I can just heat up her meals.

One year check up:

Weight: 22 pounds 78%
Height: 30 inches 76%

No more formula and on to whole milk.  She enjoyed her first taste of whole milk for about ten minutes before deciding she didn't care for it anymore so I'm mixing it in with formula.  Hopefully she'll be off formula in a couple of weeks.  She also needs to eat more table food and less formula/milk = more cooking for me!

Ryan oppa being the best helper feeding his baby "Emiry" her milk :)


Milk yum yum

1 comment:

  1. such a cutie pie! leah was totally uninterested in milk too when we first transitioned. i was like what?! it tastes SO much better than formula!! i did the same as you with mixing in formula, and then decreased the amount i mixed in day by day. took her a week or 2 to finally adjust.
