Wednesday, February 27, 2013

13 Months

Emily has been having fun in the new house and has already found all the things she isn't supposed to touch, which has us saying, "no, no" more than ever.  We signed up for Gymboree so she can have more interaction with other people and babies and I'm hoping to get the bang for every last buck by going to as many classes and open play times as possible.  They're having a great promotion right now and after six months of membership there's another discount which leads me to believe that a lot of people don't make it to six months so we'll see!  Emily has been really great at eating lately and has been gobbling up her meals.  She loves strawberries, bananas, tangerines, french toast and broccoli.  Two more bottom teeth are coming in and she is still too cautious to start walking.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Bye Cerritos

We moved this past weekend and yes, it's pretty crazy moving with a baby but we did it!  Packing was pretty intense as we had to wait until Emily went to bed at night and since we've been co-sleeping, one of us had to stay in bed with her while the other packed.  Unpacking is never fun but we're all settled in now.  It's amazing how much stuff (junk) we accumulated over the past two years.  The new house has a nice big yard so the dogs can run around, although they're not used to being outside for so long so they've been having a lot of anxiety and whining at the door at times.  We have to properly potty train them this time so hopefully it goes well.  I'm SO over cleaning up their messes. 

I always get a little sad leaving a home/city because I hate goodbyes but I'm excited about our next, new chapter.  We had a lot of great memories in our home for the past two years.  I'll always remember it as Emily's first home.

Reading her Valentine's Day card from Daddy

See ya!!!!

They don't taste good

I think I love this kitchen more than she does

Sunday, February 10, 2013

It's been a great year

I was finally able to play around with iMovie and made a short video of Emily's first year for her grandparents to enjoy.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

One year check up

Emily was not happy with her shots but she was fine after her afternoon nap.  Now that she's recovered from her cold, the 30 minute naps are back.  30 short minutes and she's ready to rock again = tired mommy.  That gives me barely enough time to cook her meals and clean up.  Once we're all settled in at the new house I'll do more batch cooking on Sundays so I can just heat up her meals.

One year check up:

Weight: 22 pounds 78%
Height: 30 inches 76%

No more formula and on to whole milk.  She enjoyed her first taste of whole milk for about ten minutes before deciding she didn't care for it anymore so I'm mixing it in with formula.  Hopefully she'll be off formula in a couple of weeks.  She also needs to eat more table food and less formula/milk = more cooking for me!

Ryan oppa being the best helper feeding his baby "Emiry" her milk :)


Milk yum yum

Saturday, February 2, 2013

A fantastic Friday

Emily is starting to feel much better and this morning we went out to Trader Joes to do some much needed grocery shopping.  After being stuck in the house for a few days, both of us were glad to get some fresh air.  In the afternoon she took a two and a half hour nap (rare!) in her crib and then finished a plate of mushrooms (first time), broccoli and cauliflower for dinner.  Fantastic!!  Moving day is in two weeks and I really have to start packing.  Joy!

Finished ALL her veggies!

Kitchen adventures

I hope Daddy likes mustard covered vitamins!