Saturday, November 10, 2012

What to feed your baby?

Emily is now almost completely into finger foods and starting to phase out purees.  She'll still allow us to spoon feed her purees if she's distracted with YouTube clips of Pororo but for the most part, she wants to feed herself.  Buying/preparing solids was so much easier than coming up with a menu and preparing her meals.  Lately, I've been batch cooking her food on nights and weekends since cooking her meals on demand has proved to be challenging with a screaming baby and only two hands.  I just portion out her meal, heat up and serve!  Voila! 

Her current menu consists of steamed veggies, fish, steamed and shredded chicken and turkey, pasta, noodles, rice and fruits for breakfast.  This kid LOVES noodles, just like mama.  Her hand to mouth coordination got a lot better with puffs and yogurt melts but at $2.50 a pack which last only a few days, we are switching to cheerios.  She eats finger foods at daycare now and her favorites are vegetable soup, spaghetti, and diced peaches.  She also really enjoyed cottage cheese and crackers! 

I'm making a big batch of Korean style chicken stock so I can cook a variety of dishes using the broth and chicken.  I love broths and soups so making my own is pretty fun.   

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