Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Thanksgiving in Denver & Emily is 10 Months old

We spent Denver in Thanksgiving Thanksgiving in Denver (thanks Hubby.  Mommy brain!) this year with Emily's grandparents and friends.  It was her first flight ever and she did great.  She cried for a bit on the way there but on the way back she played peekaboo with passengers before falling asleep without a peep!

It wasn't as cold as I thought it was going to be and I definitely overpacked.  It was great to see friends and spend time with family.  I'm so thankful for many things this year and always.  My wonderful, amazing, and supportive husband, our beautiful, healthy baby, loving family and friends, two crazy dogs and each new day.

At 10 months, Emily is more and more like a toddler and less like a baby.  She does something to make me laugh everyday and I'm enjoying every minute of it!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Emily's first trip to Disneyland

Yesterday was Emily's first time at Disneyland!  The weather was perfect and there were lots and lots of people.  I got Emily a cute Mickey shirt to wear for the day but she wasn't feeling well and threw up when we got there, poor baby!  Thank goodness I remembered to pack a backup outfit.  We went on three rides and Small World was by far her favorite.  The holiday decorations were amazing and we can't wait to go back when she's a little older.

Morning nap before the big adventure

"I love mum mum" face

Fascinated by all there was to see!


The day before we went to the toy store and then had dinner for Grandma's birthday!

With David!  Babies love mum mums!

Eat your vegetables

We love you Grandma!!
Emily had her nine month check up (at almost 10 months) and got blood drawn.  Her current stats:

Weight: 21.5lbs 90%
Height: 29.5" 94%
Head: 18" 88%