Thursday, October 27, 2011

Changes and Jitters

As we await the arrival of our little bundle of joy I can't help but let the occassional anxiety get the best of me.  Will I be a good mom?  Will we be good parents?  Will we be doing it right?  Can I really give up my selfish needs to be all about our baby?  Will I be the type of mom who is now consumed by thoughts only about her baby or will I chill out and have the occassional time to myself?  I know all first time parents experience their share of fears and jitters but they all manage to get through it.  You learn as you go right?  Once baby arrives, gone are the days when it's just about "us."  Our priorities will shift, our lifestyle will change and we will now live and breathe for this being we've created.

You often hear parents say, "I've never loved anything as much as I love my child" or "I never knew what true and pure love was until I had my baby."  I would wonder if people sometimes said these things because it was the right thing to say.  Will I feel this way the second I meet our baby?  I've also read and heard many moms honestly say they didn't bond with their baby right away and didn't feel that instant connection and I think that's ok too. 

As January fast approaches I'm super excited, albeit a nervous wreck, to tackle my new role as mom.  I have a fantasic husband who will be my support, the best dad ever to our little girl and a great support system of family and friends.  Bring it on parenthood!

1 comment:

  1. You will be a great mommy....
    When I first met Yuna I didn't have an instant connection it took some time for me. I think it was because I was going through so much change all at once. My body was going through a change (mostly pain in the vejayjay area), my sleep schedule had changed, my life had changed completely but it was all for the good. Just took some time for me to adjust and soak in my new life. Now I can't imagine life without Yuna and I love her more than anything in the world. Every day I love her more and more.
