Monday, October 31, 2011

Third Trimester! 28 Weeks 2 Days

Home stretch!  The third trimester anxiety/insomnia is no joke!  We still have to pick a hospital after our tours, find a pediatrician, take childbirth and breastfeeding classes and prepare the house for baby.  Two months to complete.  EEK!  BABY SHOWER THIS SATURDAY YAY!
Seeing the ticker so close to "newborn" is kind of freaking me out...

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Changes and Jitters

As we await the arrival of our little bundle of joy I can't help but let the occassional anxiety get the best of me.  Will I be a good mom?  Will we be good parents?  Will we be doing it right?  Can I really give up my selfish needs to be all about our baby?  Will I be the type of mom who is now consumed by thoughts only about her baby or will I chill out and have the occassional time to myself?  I know all first time parents experience their share of fears and jitters but they all manage to get through it.  You learn as you go right?  Once baby arrives, gone are the days when it's just about "us."  Our priorities will shift, our lifestyle will change and we will now live and breathe for this being we've created.

You often hear parents say, "I've never loved anything as much as I love my child" or "I never knew what true and pure love was until I had my baby."  I would wonder if people sometimes said these things because it was the right thing to say.  Will I feel this way the second I meet our baby?  I've also read and heard many moms honestly say they didn't bond with their baby right away and didn't feel that instant connection and I think that's ok too. 

As January fast approaches I'm super excited, albeit a nervous wreck, to tackle my new role as mom.  I have a fantasic husband who will be my support, the best dad ever to our little girl and a great support system of family and friends.  Bring it on parenthood!

Today's Craving

Chicken shish kebab with roasted flavorful veggies, basmati rice with saffron

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Looks like I'll be making a trip to the market after work today

Must Haves

I completed my registries at Babies R Us and Target thanks to my friend Jess who helped me select pretty much everything I need.  She pointed, I registered.  Fun times! 

Cupcake Boppy Pillow from Target.  MUST HAVE!!
 How funny is this?? I totally need this for my car
For the drive to the hospital. Love it

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Toy Kitchen

When I was eight or nine years old, I would gravitate towards the toy kitchen during every Toys R Us trip and beg my mom to buy it for me.  I wanted to be just like mom and cook pretend food and play kitchen.  I never got my toy kitchen and vowed that if I ever had a daughter and she asked for it, I would buy it for her.  I remember wanting it so badly that I would go home crying every time my mom said no and we would leave Toys R Us with some other toy that didn't quite measure up. 

I'm secretly hoping that Baby Han will ask for a toy kitchen when she gets older so I can play with it too! HA!

Monday, October 24, 2011

27 Weeks 2 Days

Last week in second trimester!!

Body updates:
Baby Han got hiccups from king taco last week.
I'm having trouble sleeping lately from tossing and turning.  Trying to find a comfortable position on my side with a huge belly is hard.  I'm also starting to have anxiety about life after baby.
Stretch marks have reared their ugly head on my lower belly. So, so sad.  Time for more belly butter!
I feel more swollen and bloated than usual.
The sciatica in my left leg has gotten better with yoga.  My free classes expire on Nov 5 and I don't think I will be paying for more classes.  Hopefully, I can find the will to stretch at home.

I passed my second trimester glucose screening test, hooray!  No risk for gestational diabetes. 

My baby shower is coming up and I'm so excited.  I can't wait to see what my wonderful, wonderful friends have planned.  I heart them!

I think my nesting phase has started to kick in.  I have the urge to start cleaning and organizing for baby.  I'm excited to really get down to business once I start my maternity leave around Christmas. 

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

4D Ultrasound

Baby Han loved posing for the camera today.  Hubby was talking to her and she opened her eye, blinked and smiled.  :)  Everything looks great and she has long legs and big feet! 

Friday, October 14, 2011

100 days left!

25 Weeks and 6 Days

Breakfast this morning: 2 doughnuts and milk.  Had to give in to's Friday!  Turning 30 this weekend!! 4D Ultrasound on Wednesday.  Can't wait!!!

My coworkers are so sweet!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

My new BFF

25 Weeks 5 Days

This morning I was told twice that I suddenly "popped."  Maybe I was so tired yesterday because baby Han had a growth spurt?  It's definitely getting harder to get comfortable when trying to fall asleep at night and when getting up from the couch or out of the car.  I'm full on waddle now too.  Sexy!

I definitely feel huge.  I can't believe I'll get even bigger in the next three months.  I also suffered two more charlie horses, this time in my right leg, the night before.  Ouch!!  Yesterday I had to buy nursing pads.  I always knew my boobs would get bigger while pregnant but thought they'd be getting bigger in the sexy way.  Boy what a surprise!! 

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Today's craving

Orochon: Miso #2 with extra bamboo, bean sprouts and corn (I like the crunch), veggie futomaki and Kirin milk tea.  

I miss living in Torrance because I loved going to Mitsuwa market and seeing this:

Torrance has a lot of Japanese markets and restaurants.  I always say if I have to eat one type of cuisine forever, it'd be Korean or Japanese for sure.

25 Weeks 4 Days

Right after 6in. Subway for lunch.  Saving the other half for my 3PM snack.

Monday, October 10, 2011

25 Weeks

I miss you sushi and seafood *tear.* Ever since my weird allergic reaction/skin rash, which I'm convinced was caused by seafood, I've stayed away.  First order of business after baby: sushi and seafood buffet!! In the meantime, I'll just stare at these pictures and fantasize.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Hilarious Gender Announcement

Courtesy of my friend Jane

Present friends and family with Almond Joy or Mounds...because Almond Joy has nuts, Mounds don't.  HILARIOUSSSSSSS

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Sweet Tooth

This sweet tooth is driving me mad!! Must have a glazed doughnut.....

Bored at work

I haven't been taking weekly belly shots to see my growth but I guess it's never too late to start!  It finally happened.  I woke up at 4:30AM screeching in pain from a charlie horse in my left leg.  HATE those suckers!!  My left calf is still sore. 

Wednesday, October 5, 2011