Thursday, July 21, 2011


Geez, people on TheBump are so moody!!  I posted a question about Intelligender on the forum just to see what other women had to say and this is one of the responses:

"My thought is that if you find throwing $30 down the toilet fun, then no wonder companies like Inteligender are profitable.
I can offer you one better - pee on a coin and then send me $15. When I tell you I received the money (I'll call you) then flip the coin. Heads = boy / tails = girl. Half price and the same odds of success!
This company is getting rich off of your impatience and curiosity - just know that when you shell out $30 for it." - Kitty Holland, 28 weeks pregnant.

Yes I understand it's a total waste of money but as a first time mom, I find joy in these silly things!  I'm sure when Kitty Holland was 13 weeks pregnant, her curiosity got the best of her and she too read the label of such a test and wondered, "should I?"

At least all the other responses were funny......and NO, I didn't buy the test! :)


  1. YES~ Some of those women are b****y and snarky. Others are excited like us. I kind of thought about doing it too. I got "boy" on the Chinese chart, what did you get?
