Friday, July 29, 2011

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Monday, July 25, 2011

Friday, July 22, 2011

Superstitions and Old Wives Tales

According the ancient Chinese gender chart, I am having a girl.  We'll see....50/50 odds

Some fun and silly superstitions I found online:

Old Wives Tale #1:  Heartburn
If a pregnant woman experiences heartburn throughout the 9 months of pregnancy, she’ll have a baby born with a full head of hair.
Old Wives Tale #2: Umbilical Cord
If a pregnant woman lifts her hands above her head or does stretches above her hand, she will choke the baby because the umbilical cord will be wrapped around the baby.    The truth of this pregnancy wives tale is that the umbilical cord can wrap around the baby if the baby moves a lot while in the uterus, but it does not happen if you move a lot or stretch above your head.  The baby gets tangled in the umbilical cord in about 1/3 of all births, so it’s not so uncommon.
Old Wives Tale #3:  Cravings Curse
This old wives tale is fun to hang over Tarzan’s head.  Basically if anyone denies a pregnant woman whatever she is craving, they will get a sty in his/her eye.  Personally, I think all men should read this and always give into whatever us pregnant women want!  For their own benefit, of course.
Old Wives Tale #4:  Heart Rate
If the baby’s heart rate is above 140 bpm, it is said that the baby will be a girl.  If it is under 140 bpm, then it will be a boy. 
Old Wives Tale #5:  Ugly Baby
This wives tale is weird.  If a pregnant woman sees something ugly, she will have an ugly baby.  Um, ok.
Old Wives Tale #6:  Coffee
If a baby is born with light-brown birthmarks, it is said that the mom drank too much coffee or had unfulfilled cravings while she was pregnant.
Old Wives Tale #7:  Sex
This old wives tale is actually not a myth.  Sex is healthy for most pregnant women and is also good in getting the cervix ready for labor.  If you are nearing or have past your due date, your OB might recommend that you start playing around in the bed.
Old Wives Tale #8:  Baths
Anyone who thinks that pregnant women should refrain from taking baths is crazy.  Baths are a-ok and even helpful when it comes to relaxing and easing some back pain.  This old wives tale began because it was thought that water would seep in to the baby and bring bacteria.  It’s been determined that water does not enter the vag. during a bath.
Old Wives Tale #9:  Wearing a Lei
This Hawaiian superstition relates to the lei causing the umbilical cord to wrap around the baby.  Of course, it’s crazy and makes no sense why you could not wear a lei.  
Old Wives Tale #10:  Boiling Water
Many people use to believe that boiling water was needed to be nearby the pregnant woman during labor. There is not a real reason as to why boiling water played a role in childbirth.  Some believe the water was just a task to get the dad-to-be away from the labor, while others believed that it was used to sterilize the tools needed to perform the delivery.  No matter what the reason was, this is definitely just an old wives tale with no truth or importance to it.
Old Wives Tale #11:  Full Moon
A full moon was believed to cause a woman to go into labor and give birth.  
Old Wives Tale #12:  Shape of Belly
If you are carrying high with a big, round belly, you are having a girl.  If you are carrying low with a smaller belly that sticks straight out, it’s a boy.  
Old Wives Tale #13:  Ring Test
Using a string, hang your wedding ring over your pregnant belly.  You are having a girl if the ring swings back and forth and it’s a boy if it swings in a circle.   
Old Wives Tale #14:  Shape of Mom’s Face
When your face gets fuller and rounder when pregnant, it means you’re going to have a girl.  If your face is long and narrow, it’s a boy.  
Old Wives Tale #15:  Key Test
This test involves a key.  If you pick up a key at the top (the roundest part), you are going to have a boy.  If you pick up the key at the bottom (smallest part), you are going to have a girl.  If you happen to grab the key in the middle, congrats, it’s twins!  
Old Wives Tale #16:  Mayan Tale
The Mayan tale adds the mothers age at conception and the year of conception.  If the result is a even number then mom is having a girl.  If the result is an odd number then a boy is on the way!  
Old Wives Tale #17:  Drano Test
The drano test combines a tablespoon of Drano and urine together.  If the mixture turns green, it’s a girl.  If it turns blue, it’s a boy.  
Old Wives Tale #18:  Acne
If you have acne while pregnant, it’s a girl.  It’s thought that acne during pregnancy is caused by the extra hormones.
Old Wives Tale #19:  Cravings
People believe that if you are craving salty foods while pregnant, you can count on having a boy.  If you crave sweets, fruit, and orange juice, you are having a little girl.  
Old Wives Tale #20:  Smell of Garlic
If a pregnant woman eats a clove of garlic and the smell does not come out of her pores, it’s a girl.  If the smell seeps out of her pores, it’s a boy.   
Old Wives Tale #21:  Ultrasound
I’m not sure that this falls under ‘old wives tales’, but, as with anything, ultrasounds may not be accurate all of the time.  In fact, one of my friends was told that she was having a boy.  A penis on the ultrasound. Months later, it was determined that her little boy was actually a little girl.  I would have thought little girls could have turned out to be boys, but not the other way.  I guess there’s always room for error though. 
Old Wives Tale #22:  Skin under Left Eye
The eye test is when a “V” or “branches” appear when you pull down the skin under your left eye.  If you see a “V” or “branches” in the white part, you’re having a girl.  I have a “V”, so one more point for a girl.
Old Wives Tale #23:  Previous Kids
This tale only applies if you have had previous kids.  If you have and that child’s first word was momma, you will have a girl.  If your first child’s first word was dadda, you’ll have a boy.  
Old Wives Tale #24:  Wooden Spoon, Scissors, and Pink Bows
Apparently if you put a wooden spoon and a pair of scissors under your bed and a pink bow under your pillow, you’ll have yourself a little baby girl.  
Old Wives Tale #25:  History of Parent’s Kids
You can find out the sex by going off of your parent’s kids and the order.  If you are the first born, you will have what your mother had but starting with her second child.  If you are the middle child, you will have what she said, but starting with the third child.  If you are the last child, you will have what your mother had in the exact order.
Old Wives Tale #26:  Time of Conception
The person that is most aggressive in bed at the time of conception is the opposite of what the baby will be.  
Old Wives Tale #27:  Legs
If your legs get really big, you’re having a boy.  If your legs stay in shape and lean, it’s a girl.  
Old Wives Tale #28:  Moodiness and a Little Pecker
If you are really moody, you are having a girl since you have another extra girl hormones in you.  Your pregnancy will make you smile and be more happy if you are having a boy because there’s a little penis inside you.  
Old Wives Tale #29:  Bread
If you eat the ends of bread, it’s a boy.  If you eat the middle of the load, it’s a girl.  I’ve never liked the ends of bread and always have eaten from the middle. 
Old Wives Tale #30:  Chinese Gender Chart
The Chinese Gender Chart claims to have an accuracy rate of over 90%.  It is based on how old the mother is at conception and the month that she conceived.   
Old Wives Tale #31:  Mom’s Beauty
Basically you are having a girl if your beauty disappears during pregnancy.  It is said that the girl “steals” the mother’s beauty.  If you think that pregnancy has never made you look more beautiful, you might just be having a little boy.  
Old Wives Tale #32:  Dream of Sex of Baby
If you have dreams that you are having a boy, you will have a girl.  If you dream about having a girl, it will be a boy.  Dreams show the opposite of what you are having.  
Old Wives Tale #33:  Clumsy vs. Graceful
If the pregnant woman is graceful throughout her pregnancy, she’s having a girl.  If she becomes clumsy, she’s having a boy.  
Old Wives Tale #34:  Toddlers
If a toddler boy expresses interest in a pregnant woman, she is having a girl.  If he doesn’t show interest, she’s having a boy.  
Old Wives Tale #35:  Side You Most Rest On
If a pregnant woman prefers to lay on her left side, she’s having a boy.  If she prefers resting on her right side, she’s having a girl.  
Old Wives Tale #36:  Hands
When the pregnant woman is asked to show her hands, it’s a boy if she keeps her palms down and a girl if she shows her palms up.  
Old Wives Tale #37:  Dad’s Weight Gain
If the dad-to-be gains weight while you are pregnant, it’s a girl.  If he doesn’t gain weight, you’re having a boy.  
Old Wives Tale #38:  Breast Test
If a pregnant woman’s left breast is larger than the right breast, she’s having a girl.  If the right breast is larger, it’s a boy.  
Old Wives Tale #39:  Necklace Over Hand
Have someone hold a necklace over your hand.  If the necklace swings back and forth, it’s a boy.  If it moves in a circle, it’s a girl.  
Old Wives Tale #40:  What Do You Think?
71% of the time, the mom-to-be knows what she is having.  
Old Wives Tale #41:  Morning Sickness
If you had a smooth pregnancy with no morning sickness, it’s a boy.  If you were sick or felt really nauseous during your pregnancy, count on a girl.
Old Wives Tale #42:  Areolae
If your areolae (the part around your nips) have darkened, it’s a boy.  
Old Wives Tale #43:  Protein
When a pregnant woman craves meat and cheese, count on a boy.  
Old Wives Tale #44:  Feet
Are your feet colder now that you are pregnant?  If so, you just might be having a boy.  If your feet have stayed the same before pregnancy and during, you’re having a little girl.  
Old Wives Tale #45:  Hair on Legs
If the hair on your legs has been growing at record speeds, you might be having a boy.  
Old Wives Tale #46:  Hands are Dry
If your hands are constantly dry, it’s a boy.    
Old Wives Tale #47:  Urine
What color is your pee?  If it is bright yellow, you will have a little boy.  If your urine is a dull yellow, plan on a girl.  
Old Wives Tale #48:  Nose
Do you feel like your nose is growing and getting wider?  If so, you might be having a boy.    
Old Wives Tale #49:  Headaches
If you are having headaches, you might be carrying a boy.  
Old Wives Tale #50:  Drinking Water
Drinking water is really important when pregnant.  An old wives tale was that if the mom-to-be wasn’t drinking enough water daily, the amniotic fluid would be really dirty for the baby.  Drinking tons of water will help you stay hydrated, but has no correlation with how clean or dirty the amniotic sac is.  
Old Wives Tale #51:  Baby Names
It is said that when you can only think of specific names for a boy or a girl, you will have that particularly baby.  

Thursday, July 21, 2011


Geez, people on TheBump are so moody!!  I posted a question about Intelligender on the forum just to see what other women had to say and this is one of the responses:

"My thought is that if you find throwing $30 down the toilet fun, then no wonder companies like Inteligender are profitable.
I can offer you one better - pee on a coin and then send me $15. When I tell you I received the money (I'll call you) then flip the coin. Heads = boy / tails = girl. Half price and the same odds of success!
This company is getting rich off of your impatience and curiosity - just know that when you shell out $30 for it." - Kitty Holland, 28 weeks pregnant.

Yes I understand it's a total waste of money but as a first time mom, I find joy in these silly things!  I'm sure when Kitty Holland was 13 weeks pregnant, her curiosity got the best of her and she too read the label of such a test and wondered, "should I?"

At least all the other responses were funny......and NO, I didn't buy the test! :)

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

More Food

I had an allergic reaction to something I ate this weekend and it was not fun! This week I've literally had to roll out of bed to come to work and it's only Tuesday.  Yesterday I went home early because I wasn't feeling too hot.

We tried neng-myun at a hole in the wall restaurant recommended by a friend's mom.  It was delicious!!!!

This is all I have to show for it.  Ate all of it!!! O.O

I then made a run to the market around 7PM because I HAD to have strawberry ice cream.  At 10PM I got hit with a sudden craving for a turkey sandwich.  Starving and desperate, I called Subway but they were closed.  Near tears from hormones and starvation, we went back to the market.  Hubby is the best! :)  Baby needed a turkey sandwich!!!

Happy!!!! (Taking the necessary precautions, I microwaved the turkey meat until steaming)

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Getting Bigger

Baby Han is growing!  He/She is the size of a plum this week.  I'm starting to show a little bit also this week.  Next ultrasound will be at 18 weeks and we'll find out the sex of the baby!

Monday, July 11, 2011

12 weeks!

I made it to 12 weeks!  Next week will mark the beginning of my second trimester.  I hope all the morning sickness, exhaustion and headaches go away!! I'm ready for my second wind! 

New craving: sour candy.  I NEVER eat sour candy but now I can't get enough sour patch kids and really want green apple sour punch candy.  Hubby LOVES sour candy so I guess baby does too.  I even thought about sucking on a lemon! EEEE sour!!!!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Sucker for Sentimental Things

I think this is such a cool concept.  I saw this on Etsy for customized wedding bands and found it cheesy and touching.  I want to get one made for myself with Baby Han's fingerprint once he/she arrives.  

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Korean Food Please

The only thing I can keep down lately is Korean food.  Starting yesterday, all I want to eat is chicken kalgooksoo (닭칼국수).  No spicy, no greasy, no fried, and no sweets.  Just chicken kalgooksoo.  I think I have to ease up on the spicy anyway since heartburn kicked in and it really hurts!! :(  This picture is from one of my favorite blogs Korean Cuisine.