Sunday, July 14, 2013

Hello blog!  Keeping up with this blog has proven to be challenging in these past few months.  Multitasking as wife, mom and daughter has kept me pretty busy and it's become easier to share daily memories on Facebook and Instagram (my recent fave).  Emily is just shy of 18 months and it's incredibly amazing to watch her blossom into a sassy, funny, strong-willed and smart little person.  I can't get enough of my (not so) little bundle of joy!

We took a recent trip to San Diego and visited Sea World.  It was the first time for both Jason and I and Emily had lots of fun with her Grandma.  Our past few weeks have been spent trying to beat the heat and finding fun things to do to keep Emily engaged and interested with her growing curiosity and independence. 

She knows a handful of words now and clearly expresses what she wants at any given time.  She's also quite the drama queen and can cue those tears at the drop of a hat.  She's still very clingy to me and will often cry when I leave the room, especially if she's tired or hungry.  She LOVES to "play" with the dogs and we are constantly teaching her to be gentle.  They make her laugh so often and my heart explodes with joy every time Emily wholeheartedly laughs at anything. 

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