Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Hello There!

Baby Han at 10 weeks 4 days.  This ultrasound is my favorite so far.  Baby is not camera shy.  He/She was moving alot and waved at us the entire time, LOL!  He/She scratched it's head for a little bit and then back to waving! Hello Baby!! :)

Monday, June 27, 2011

Dear Headache,

You've been pestering me since Saturday morning.  I know you're common during pregnancy but I can't take it anymore! I give up.  Please, just lighten up and go away.  Please?!


Thursday, June 23, 2011


Hubby is the best!!! He got me orochon ramen to go last night.  Just what I was craving!!! 

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Corn Pops!

I got a sudden craving for corn pops yesterday and it was better than I expected.  A nice cold, sweet and refreshing bowl of corn pops.  YUM.

Aside from my sudden urge to devour corn pops, I feel like I'm losing my appetite and don't have any cravings for anything in particular lately.  Everything, except for King Taco & orochon, is starting to taste bland.  This makes me sad.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Say Cheese

Baby Han at 8 weeks 6 days.  Heartbeat was a lot faster and louder today. *tears*  See you again in 2 weeks baby!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Baby's First Picture

Baby Han at 6 weeks.  So tiny!! Hubby and I saw and heard the heartbeat on Wednesday.  Next appointment is Baby Han at 8 weeks.